Chapter 9

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"We're home!" I hear my dad yell. They aren't suposed to be back for another month!

"Brooklyn can you come here please!"

"Yes mom?" I ask coming down the stairs.

"Did you try killing yourself?" My dad asks with absolutly no sympothay in his voice.

"Yes I did dad."

"You can never do anything right!" My mom says.

"I'm sorry."

"Brooklyn. When will you do
something righ?!" Dad says frustrated

"I said I'm sorry!" I yell.

"Don't you dare yell at us!" My dad yells.

"Look at yourself! You can't even kill yourself right!" Mom yells.

"I'm fucking sorry!! God damnit! I know you hate my guts but can't you get your heads out o your asses! I know I can never do anything right! I get it okay! God why can't you just see that I'm trying!"

"Well try harder! It doesn't seem like you do anything! You just around here Feeling sorry for yourself! Maybe you should get your head out of your ass!" My father yells.

"FUCK BOTH OF YOU!" I scream and run out of the house.

"Brooklyn Davis get your butt back here!" My mother screams.

I ignore her and just run. I hear someone call after me but I don't even slow down. I run to the first place I think of that no one will ask questions and I can get rid of the pain. I run to the closest bar. When I get there I walk in and get whiskey.

"Aren't you a little young to be here?" A man asks.

"Aren't you a little old to be talking to me?" I retort.


I get a few more drinks. Enough that I'm tipsy but not over the top. When I get my next drink Someone comes up from behide me and turns me around.

"What the hell?!" I say smacking the hand away.

"Brook you have to come home. Your parents left again and we're all worried about you." Nat says.

"Fine!" I say remembering were my parents keep the booze.

"Come on." He says and takes me home.

"No one bother me!" I yell going to the cellar.

"Were are you going?" Adam asks.

"None of your god damn bisness."

"Alright, alright." He says and I go into the cellar.

I finish off my second bottle, grab the rest of the bottles and go to my room. I must have passed cause I wake up with 4 botttles on my floor. Everything that happened comes rushing back and I start crying. Nat must hear me cause he comes in the door.

"What did you do?" He asks while I just cry more.

"Brook, you can't just drink away the pain."

"Watch me!" I say and grab another bottle.

"Brook don't." He says taking the bottle from me.

"Give that back!"


"GIVE ME THE DAMN BOTTLE!" I sceam and grab it from his hand.


"Just don't" I say and chug down the bottle then grab another.

"Brook stop it, your going to get sick."

"I don't care!" I say and take few swigs.

"I'll be right back."

"That's right! Leave me like everyone else!" I yell and throw an empty bottle at him watching it shatter when it hits the wall.

He comes back right when I'm heading down to the cellar to get more drinks. But Nathan has other plans. He brought Adam, Chase, an Kyle with him.

"Get out." I say sick of yelling.

"No, we won't leave Brook. You need help and that's what we're going to do. We're going to help you." Kyle says.

"I don't need help. I just need to forget everything." I say feeling my eyes fill with tears.

"Brook , forgetting won't solve anything." Chase says.

"How do you know? You have no idea how much it hurts to never be good enough." I say, tears threatening to spill over.

"Brooks, I know what it's like to feel like your not loved by your parents. We all do. But drinking isn't the answer." Nat says.

"How the fuck do you drinking isn't the damn answer?" I retort.

"Cause after our dad left I had a drinking problem and it took a lot of mistakes to realize that it wasn't fixing anything." Adam says.

"I doubt that." I say realizing that their right.

"Stop being stubborn Brook!" Kyle says after a moment of silence.

"Get out."

"No." Chase says.

"Get out!" I say more forcefully.

"We're not leaving!" Adam says just as forcefully.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" I scream.

"Fine." They all say except Nat.

I go to the cellar and start drinking again. After a few bottles of wine I hear someone come down.

"Hey Brook." Nat says.

"What do you want." I say slurring my words a little.

"I want you to stop and tell me what happened with your parents."

"They fucking hate me. They have since the moment I was born. I don't even know what I did wrong. " I say and start crying.

"Shhh. Brook it's okay. You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to." He says but I tell him all the shit that has happened and all the horrible things my parents have done to me.

"Brook I won't let them do any of that to you again. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Brook." He says and holds me while I cry.

He walks me to my room and tucks me in. I start to drift off right away but when I hear him start to walk out I stop him.

"Don't go."


"I don't want to sleep alone."

"Alright." He says and climbs on the bed next to me.

I curl up into his side and fall asleep. I remember that he did pretty much the same thing as I just did the first night Logan was in the hospital. I heard the guys talking and Logan gets to come home tomorrow. I'm happy that he wasn't here to see me go through this but I just don't know if anything will be the same. And that's what I fall asleep thinking about.

*****hey so sorry it's a short chapter but this was a really good stoping place. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As always........




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