Chapter 11

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"Brook? Why are you parents home?" Kyle asks me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your parents are home and want to talk to you."

"What the fuck?!? They can't be home!"

"Well they are."

Fuck. Just great. What horrible things are they going to say this time?

"What are you guys doing home?" I ask as sweetly as it could to my parents.

"We just wanted to talk to you. You know catch up."

"Okay. What do you want to catch up on?" I ask confused.

"Well your mother and I wanted to know what's been new with you."

"Nothing really." I lie.

"That's not what we heard." My dad says.

"We heard you've been drinking." Mom says.

Shit. They know.

"Oh that." I say looking at the ground.

"What were you thinking?" My dad says furious.

"That I...." I trail off not knowing what to say.

"That you what, Brooklyn? That you hate us so much that you'll put our reputation on the line in order to fool around?" My mom says.

"I wasn't fooling around! I just...I..." I'm cut off by my dad.

"You did just want to fool around! What were you thinking? Do you know how this will mess up our image?" My mom yells.

"Why do you guys hate me so much! What did I ever do to you?!?!"

"We don't hate you. We just think you can do better." My dad says.

"All I've ever done is do better, or at least try! All I've ever wanted was for you both to pay attention to me for more than ten minutes! I can never be good enough for you!" I say trying to stay calm.

Just kill them. A voice in my head says. It'll all better the sooner you do.

"Stop being an attention whore, Brooklyn. You are 17 years old. You don't need attention." My dad says aggressive yet calm.

Kill them already. They have never done anything but make your life hell. The voice says.

"I'm not an attention whore father!" I try to contain my anger.

Kill them. The voice keeps saying.

Kill them. It's yelling this time.

"Of course you are! That's all you've been since you were a baby!" Mom yells.

Kill them!

"I hate you!" I scream slowly and lunge at my mother.

I'm attacking my mom while my dad yells at me to stop.

Kill her already!

Then I'm pulled off of her by someone who I assume is my dad, but find it's Nathan.

What are you waiting for! Kill them.

"Make it stop!" I yell not able to shut the voice up.

Kill your parents Brook!

"Shut up! Make it stop!" I scream and then the next thing I know it's pitch black.

Nathan's P.O.V

"I hate you!" I hear Brook scream. I run down stairs when there's more yelling.

When I get down into the room Brook and her parents are, Brook is attacking her mom. I run over and pull Brook off. She glances at me then starts says,

"Make it stop! Shut up! Make it stop!" Then she passes out. I catch her before she hits the ground and set her down.

"She's going crazy." Her mom says.

"Going? She is insane!" Her dad says.

"Shut up, both of you! Just shut the fuck up! Brook has been through enough already. You have impossible standards that she has always tried to reach. She basically raised herself! She thought she was fat so she became anorexic. She's felt so alone that she didn't think life was worth it. She wanted to forget everything so she tried to drink away the pain. If it weren't for Maria, my brothers, and me, she wouln't be here! She's not the insane one, you are." I know that was a bit harsh but it's true. I pick up Brook and carrie her to bed.

I may get kicked out of thier house for disrespecting them, but hopefully they stop putting so much pressure on Brook. I hate seeing her like this. I miss her smile and her laugh. Her eyes used to be filled with life and joy, and now, it's like the life was sucked out of them. There's only sorrow, hopplessness, and dread in her brown eyes. I fall asleep eventually but can't help but want to take away all of her pain.


Brooklyn's P.O.V

I wake up curled up with Nathan. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I wish that I could freeze time and stay like this forever. But all good things must come to an end and he wakes up.

"Morning, Brook." He says in a raspy-but adorable- morning voice.

"Morning, Nat." I say. He just stars at me. "Why are you staring at me? And don't say the thing that Augustus told Hazel Grace. You're more original than that." I add the last part quickly.

"Damn, you ruined my plan." He says with a smirk.

"But seriously, why are you staring at me?" I ask.

"Because after the way I talked to your parents yesterday, I'm not sure if I'll be welcome here." He says. What did he say to my parents?

"Of course you're staying! They can't just kick you out." I say.

"I don't know, Brook. I told them to shut the fuck up and other nasty things, I'm pretty sure they hate me."

"Join the club."

"Brook, Nat, Breakfast! Hurry before Bret eats it all!" James yells. We look at each other and laugh.

I tell him to go change and meet me downstairs. I put on my dark blue skinny jeans, Green Day shirt, and black Vans. I brush out my hair deciding to leave my hair natural. I put on a little mascara and lip gloss then head down for breakfast. Maria made Banana pancakes and walnut syrup. I immediately grab some pancakes and put on a bunch of syrup.

"Who knew girls ate so much?" Bret says. I can't even see his plate under all his food.

"Look whose talking!" I laugh and so do his brothers.

I figure my parents left since I haven't seen them. It's not surprising, I'm not sure they'll be back for awhile.

"What are we doing today? Going shopping, or getting our nails done? Oh, wait, I know, our going to the spa!" Kyle says in a horrible girl voice.

"Like no way. We should tots go and look for a hot boyfriend." Adam says in an equally bad girl voice.

"Ladies, ladies. Your both pretty, now can you shut up? Some of us want to enjoy our food in peace." Chase says and everyone laughs, even Maria.

Logan, Bret, Chase, Adam, Kyle, and James all invite girls they met over and we have a big movie date marathon all day and all night. We watch some action, some romance, comedy, basically if it was on Netflix then we watched it.

I was curled up against Nat's side and he fell asleep. By the time I was drifting off, almost everyone was asleep. I fall asleep thinking that this could not be more perfect.

*********I know it's been awhile but at least I updated. So I hope this isn't too short and you enjoyed it! As always.....




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