Chapter 23

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Tomorrow the boys leave. I just got a letter from my top college of choice, UCLA. Nathan got a letter too and we said that we would open them together. We never said what colleges we were applying to, so today we find out.

"You ready to see what the future holds?" I ask with a nervous smile.

"If you're ready, I'm ready." He says just as scared.

"On three."



"Three." He says and we both rip open our envelops.

"I got in! Oh my god! I got in!" I scream jumping up and down.

"I got in too!" Nat yells ad we hug each other.

"What school?" I ask the smile not leaving my face.

"UCLA." He says also still smiling.

"We're going to college together!" I say shocked that we applied to the same school.

"You're kidding!" He says and both are smiles grow as I shake me head.

Nathan picks me up and spins me around. When he puts me down he kisses me and I kiss back immediately.

"What's going on in here?" I hear Logan say.

"We got in!" I yell and he joins the hug.

The other guys soon follow and soon we're all in a huge hug and Maria decides to make a cake to celebrate.

"I'll help!" All the guys say when Maria is about to go into the kitchen.

"That's quite alright boys. I'd like to be aw to eat the cake." She says with a laugh and leaves the room.

The guys and I call over some friends to hangout and watch movies. Turns out that everyone who applied to a college got in to the one they wanted. After a few movies Maria says dinner's ready.

We all run to the kitchen and dig in. We talk and laugh and have a great time. We all forget about the fact that we may not see each other for a long time if ever.

"Who wants dessert?" Maria asks holding the cake. There's a chorus of yeahs and Maria starts cutting cake.

We eat almost all the cake when we're all stuffed. It's been a great day and I can't wait till I go to UCLA. I don't tell anyone but I almost didn't make it in. I had to end a letter saying why I wanted to go there so bad. I told them truth and they thought it was the most genuine thing they had seen yet.

Dear UCLA,

You asked me why o wanted to go to your school. Well, I could tell you the obvious like the amazing academics. But that's not the only reason. One of my main reasons is my older brother.

He never got to finish middle school before he died. He wasn't depressed or anything, he was in a plane crash. He talked so highly of UCLA and said that if he didn't get accepted then he wouldn't go to college.

I need to do this for him and for myself. After he died I thought that my whole world ended. I got depressed and so many other things. I never thought that I would be able to get into a community college. Then the best thing happened. Seven boys came to live with me for two years.

They showed me how much good I can do. They helped me overcome every obstacle and now here I am. I proved to myself that I could do way more than I ever thought.

I never thought that I would live up to who my brother was. Now look at me. I have great grades, amazing friends, an amazing boyfriend, and I'm being considered by my brothers favorite college.

If you choose not to except me, I understand. I'll just keep trying. I'll do whatever I need to to get in. I've come a long way in two years and I owe it all to seven boys I thought would be the death of me. It turns out that they were what I was missing for seven years. I was missing my family, and now I found them.

So, you want to know why I want to go to UCLA. I want to go because I know that I will stop at nothing to graduate and I want to make my brother proud. I know you may choose someone with a better application, but I know that I tried and I'm happy to even be considered.

Brooklyn Davis

"What are you thinking about?" Nathan asks when we get to his room.

"Im thinking about how amazing college is going to be." I say and we go into his room and go to bed.

The End

***Hey! So the book is done! It's been a crazy adventure getting to know the characters. I never thought that it would be this long or that everything would happen like it did.

I'd like to thank RainbowLover1512 for the college and helping me write when I stuck. I love you girl! I'd also like to thank all my readers. You guys are the reason I kept writing this story.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the final chapter. As Always....




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