Chapter 8

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I can't believe my eyes and forget how to breath. I can't move or think, I can only manage to stare at what lies in front of me.

"Holy shit!" Nat mutters also in shock.

"That can't be who I think it is." I say trying not to break down.

"This can't be happening."

"This has to be a dream."

We can't move and everything happens in slow motion. First I hear the sirens then see Nat run towards Logan who is bleeding on the ground. I ask what happened and apparently some asshole was attacking a kid when Logan stepped in right when the asshole was about to stab the kid and consequently got stabbed. I then rush over to a devastated Nathan. I have to hold him back so he didn't kill the man who stabbed Logan. The police arrest he fucktard and I drive Nat to the hospital while he calls his brothers.

We get to the hospital but we aren't allowed to see him. The guys get their and are restless. Hours have passed when the doctor comes out and tells us that everything is fine and that Logan is going to live. The guys refuse to leave even after that we're told everything is fine. We can't see him till he wakes up. I get food and coffee but none of them eat. I go on my phone for the billionth time when the doctor finally says we can see Logan. The guys practically sprint to his room.

"Whoa calm down dudes. I'm fine I just want to go home." Logan says once we're all in the room.

"You scared the shit out of us!" Adam shouts.

"Adam, I don't think you or anyone should yell. I mean he did just save a little kid and got stabbed. Show a little sympathy." I say.

"Thank you Brooks." Logan replies.

"Why were you even at the park?" Nat asks.

"I don't know. I felt like going and heard you say you were going so I went." Logan replies sounding like he hopes it's a believable answer.

"Are you alright?" Chase asks.

"I'm fine." Logan say, again.

After being interrogated Logan says he's tired and tells the guys that they look like shit and to go home and sleep. When we get home it's midnight. We were at the hospital all fucking day.

"Have I mentioned how much I hate hospitals." I say again to Nat.

"Only forty billion times."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny."

"Thanks. For staying at the hospital and not leaving."

"Why would I have left? You O'Neal's are apart of my family now. If I had come home, it would've been way too quiet here for me anyway."

"I guess that's a good reason to stay."

"I also didn't want to leave you in the state you were in. I couldn't stand to see you like that."

"Thank you really. It means a lot to all of us."

"I know." I say and it's quiet between us for a moment.

"Well, goodnight Nat." I say and turn to go my room.

"Brook wait." He says and turns me around.


"Don't leave me alone."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to be alone. Not after seeing what I did."

"Nat if you don't want me to leave then I won't." I say and we walk into his room.

"It's my fault. If i hadn't of taken you behind that stupid rock wall I could have seen Logan coming and he wouldn't have gotten hurt. It's all my fault." He says falling into his bed.

"No it's not. You had no idea that he would be there. You had no idea some fucktard would try and kill a kid. You couldn't control any of that shit. But I have news for you. You did the best thing someone in your position could do. You ran to your brothers side and kept him awake. You made sure the little kid wasn't hurt when the medics came to help Logan. Then you let me drive so you didn't make things worst by driving distracted and getting in a car wreck. And you called your brothers. I didn't do any of that. I just stood there watching and drove to the hospital." I say.


"Just telling you the truth. Now, can we go to sleep?" I ask changing the subject.

"Ya, you can."

"Aren't you going to sleep?"

"I'm too worried about Logan to sleep."

"That is so adorable."

"It's true!"

"I know. That's what makes it so fucking cute!"

"Shut up."

"Awe is the adorable boy embarrassed?" I tease just to annoy him.

"I think I will sleep. Night!"

"No! Now I'm not tired!" I protest.

"But I'm tired."

"But I'm not!"

"I am."

"I'm not!"

"I am."

"If you don't stay up I'll scream rape."

"Alright I'll stay up. Calm down Brooks."


"So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. Talk?"

"About what?"


"Alright then. How about we play 20 questions."

"I'm up for that."

"Alright, first question. Am I a good kisser?"

"Yes. Am I?"

"Fuck yeah. What's your favorite color?"

"Easy! Blue!! What's yours?"

"It's also blue."

"Blues a nice color."

"Yes it is. What's your favorite school subject?"

"Reading and writing."


"Ya. I don't know why, I just love everything in those classes."


"What's you favorite school subject?"


"Oh god. Your one of those people." I say laughing.

"Yes I am." He says then gets really serious. I have a feeling I'm not going to like this. "Did you really want to die?"

There it is. The one question I know the answer to that no one wants to hear. I look at the ceiling, take a deep breath look at him and say:

"Yes. Yes I did." I feel my eyes start to fill with tears.

I try to hold them back and fail. And a sob takes over my body and I bury my face in my hands. Nat pulls me into his arms and tries to calm me down.

All I can think about is how sad everyone was. And how my parents either don't care or don't know. I cry because I wanted so bad for my life to be over. I wanted to just leave and never come back. I cry because I now know that there are a few people who like the way I am now and I couldn't see that before. I didn't realize how much I would've been missed. The thing is, I don't care if my parents pay attention to me, it only matters that Nathan and his brothers do. I just can't believe I didn't realize that earlier.

******Hey!!!! Early update. I'll still update this weekend but hey, ya know what. It's my story and I feel like updating more than once. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always.......




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