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DEAD MAN WALKING -- Brent Faiyaz

"you can do what you wanna"

"Who's Aiza?"
Aiza? She's cool i mean she's popular, smart, funny, confident. Why would she ever complain?


Aiza was zoning out, thinking about how she could be at home binge watching Netflix, but no, she's here, in fucking AP biology.

They were just working on work sheets so that Aiza's que to throw in her AirPods and draw or anything to make the clock go by faster.

The blonde girl in front of her turns around, about to say something to Miles.


MILES MORALES, the guy who sits next to Aiza. They never really spoke but saw each other occasionally because it was like a friend of a friend thing. However almost everyone in the entire school was hyper focused on his and Amelia's messy relationship.

Amelia was a popular, pretty girl who had an older sister who went to the school so therefore Lia knew a lot of people. She had like half the school wrapped around her finger, if you had problems you'd probably end up ignoring them and hanging out with her a month or so later. Then there was Rae, Aiza's best friend. Rae and Lia had problems that she never really explained to Aiza, when the issues were steaming it created a divide in the people who gave a fuck.

On the other hand Miles was pretty chill to his core, but when with his friends he was a lot louder and even angrier. One thing, other than Lia, that he was known for was the amount of fights he got in to. He was definitely not a poster child or anyone the teachers would idolise because of all the trouble he got in to. Apart from his grades, despite everything he was academically gifted.

Amelia and Miles were on and off, this time they hadn't been together since just after Halloween and that's pretty big for them.
but anyways...



"Miles can we hang out after school??" her fingers grip on to the back of her chair.

Miles sighs and leans back on his chair,
"Nah not really..."

"Aw come on ! 'N don't say you're hanging out with your friends 'cause i know for a fact they're free." Lia pleads.

"Nah.. i'm just-" His eyes scan the room, falling on the girl next to him.
"I'm just hanging out with Aiz."

"What?" Aiza and Lia say in unison.

"With... Aiza..?" The blonde repeats to herself.

The fuck is her problem?
Aiza thought, but didn't say because she didn't want to start anything.


Miles and Aiza stood next to each other in front of the teachers desk after she had asked for them to stay behind.

"Aiza your grades are...." Tragic.
"-Need some support." The teacher smiles, looking up from where she sat at her desk.

She turned her head towards Miles.
"And Miles, your grades always have been spectacular."

"So what i'm saying is, Aiza when you need help, you've got someone to ask! Right, Miles?"

"Uh- yeah.." This was so embarrassing.

She happily dismissed them both and the walk was awkward to say the least. So Aiza was shocked when as soon as they got out Miles said,

"I need to come over though."

"Uh- No you don't? I thought you just said that to get Lia off your back."

"Yeah but- She tracks my phone." He slightly whispered to avoid anyone from hearing.

She immediately burst out laughing,
"No fucking way."

Miles just stood there, rolling his eyes and concealing his own laugh.

"Can't you just not share your location?"

"I can'ttt, she'll start arguing and shi." his tongue poked the inside of his cheek.

"Yeah whatever, you don't even know where i live." Aiza scoffed.

"That's what you think..." Miles whispered.




Aiza let out a sigh, finally at the one place she wanted to be, her bed. Miles probably wasn't even going to come over anyway since he didn't have her number or address.

So now someone might be coming over and Lia hates her even more, what's next? falling in love with the prowler?


a lil "who's jules?" moment at the beginning 😝
I dont even know if im gonna post this but first im gonna try and write the first few chapters and see if I still have motivation 😭

EDITED— 18th of May
adding more personality lol

word count: 738


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