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National Anthem -- Lana Del Rey

"our drugs, our love, and our rage. Blurring the lines between the real and the fake."

Miles often dreamt about his future, he'd be rich, lots and lots of money. He didn't want a job though, he would just continue doing his Prowler stuff without anyone bossing him around. With his money came a big, modern house, the type of house with its own movie room paired with LED lights that dimly light up the room and massive garage with multiple cars.

Obviously his dream wouldn't be complete without his dream woman, she'd have highlighted hair that complimented her radiant golden skin and have hazel eyes that glimmered perfectly and you couldn't forget her fashion, her figure, her attitude.
He was really just thinking about Aiza.

They'd fuck around together and go wherever they wanted but after enjoying being young they'd grow a family. Miles genuinely loved the idea of being a father, he wanted 2 kids and already planned how he would raise them.

"Miles!" Aaron snapped his fingers in his face,
"Stay focused, man."

Miles pushed his thoughts away, this wasn't the first time he had thought about his future like this. He couldn't afford to be this distracted, he needed it to go away.

"Okay, you got it right?" Aaron said again, snapping him out of his thoughts. Again.

"What?" Miles said.

"I just explained it." The older male rubbed his forehead in frustration.

"I wasn't listening." Miles didn't even attempt to lie, he didn't care enough to sugar coat the truth.

"We're gonna go to the house and-"


He dragged the knife out of the now deceased man's throat and kicked him to the ground.

"You wasn't supposed to do all of that." Aaron crossed his arms, leaning on the tall bookshelf.

Miles didn't respond, he just kept walking and searching for the target.

They were in a big, old money type house located in the middle of nowhere. Kingpin sent out the orders to Aaron and then Aaron would get Miles to follow them. Miles absolutely loved it at first, he was too young at first to really understand what he was getting him self in to. Now he hated it however it wasn't so simple that you could just 'quit'.

"Miles!" Aaron whispered to him.

Miles looked around the corner of the room they were stood in to see just what they came here for.

"Good job, Aaron." The large man wearing a suit handed over a sum of cash.

He was intimidating, that's for sure, wrinkles that dove deep into his forehead and eye bags that were sunken into his socket.

Miles hated to admit it but, he did scare him.

Looking away, he focused on the sleeping, frail man in a plastic flimsy chair, that he had kidnapped. Miles couldn't help but feel a little bit sick but this was usual he just had to suck it up and keep going.


"Can i tell you something?" Aiza put her phone on speaker and then down on the kitchen Island where she sat.

BURNT OUT | Miles Morales (e42) |Where stories live. Discover now