floating to hell

253 6 11


So High -- Doja Cat

"speeding up the heartbeat banging in my chest"

"miles what the fuck happened last night." Aiza spoke, the phone to her ear.

"chill mami I just woke up"

"can you answer the question?!" Aiza was panicked about the night before, she needed to know everything.

Her memory was all blurred, all that haunted her was Miles pushing the guy who spiked her and being in Miles' car.

"a lot of things happened." She could hear his smirk through the phone.

"you didnt do anything." It sounded more like a threat than a hope.

"I think I did, have you see your neck?"

"no, what?" The half-asleep girl rushed out of her bed and looked in her vanity mirror.

"what the hell? did you do this?" Aiza swept her dark hair to her shoulders to reveal hickeys.

"listen ma, i told Lia you're my girlfriend and she said prove it so i did."

"wait you told her i'm your girlfriend?"

"yeah.. what's wrong with that?"

"you're so stupid now the whole school thinks i'm your girlfriend and now i have to ACT like your girlfriend." 

"you know you want to, anyways i'm coming over later." he hung up.

"huh?" What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Aiza checked her messages only to be met with people speculating about her and Miles' relationship, it was too early for this. She sighed and shook her head putting her phone down and leaving her room.


Aiza sat on her bed watching any plotless movie, she was so bored and even though she wouldn't admit it she was waiting for Miles to come over.


"hola mami" miles took off his shoes.

she rolled her eyes still trying to hide her happiness to see him, "¿qué deseas?" (what do you want?).

"don't give me attitude.. you got a lighter?" he pulled out a cigarette box from his pocket.

Aiza tossed him a pink lighter, she smoked before but she didn't feel anything, it didn't fill that gaping need for anything.

"give me one." she walked towards him opening the window a little more, watching the empty street.

Miles gave her a cigarette once it was hanging out her mouth he made theres connect and lit them together, maintaining eye contact the entire time.

"you ever gotten high before?" he exhaled some smoke as he spoke.

Aiza shook her head, she never saw the appeal.

"How come? Asia's always buying from isaac." Miles watched the view with her, even though there wasn't much to look at.

"yeah but i never do that sort of stuff, i don't know.. just kinda swore i'd never do it."

he hummed.

"Aiza!" Her mother called from down stairs.

"one second." she kisses her teeth, spraying her perfume to get rid of the smell.

"¿si mama?" Aiza made my way downstairs.

Her mom was all dressed up, makeup done and all, it was rare to see her like this.

"i'm going out, make sure you get these things from the shops." she held a tiny list in her hand which Aiza snatched and pocketed.

"where are you going?"

"niña entrometida.." (nosy girl..) she whispered as she slammed the door shut.

"you wanna meet up with Isaac and Asia?" miles asked.

"yeah sure i need to pick up some things anyway." the smirk he gave rang alarm bells.


Aiza found herself in an alleyway with Asia and Isaac smoking weed, miles was next to join.

"you never been high before?" Isaac said.

"i don't do all that." and didn't plan to.

"come on Aiz nothing bads gonna happen." Asia handed the nervous girl a blunt,

"i- i ain't got money."

"i wouldn't do you like that." Asia scoffed.

"kay." Aiza accepted inhaling and exhaling from her blunt a little curious to see what's going to happen.

She felt betrayed that Miles dragged her into a situation he knew she didn't want to be in. Actually fuck Miles, the amount of times she denied a blunt from Asia was wild, you would think she'd get the hint?

Whilst talking the blunt hit her hard, she felt like she was in a movie watching her life from a far. It was an all too familiar feeling just emphasised, derealisation.

The night was a blur but somehow Aiza remembered it all too vividly. They sat down at a park and everything was normal until Asia started kissing Isaac whilst sitting on him, she knew she liked him. Miles tried to kiss Aiza in her vulnerable state but she turned away and told him she wanted to go home so they did. she couldn't shake the feeling of dread especially for saying yes when she wanted to say no.

"why'd you do that to me?" she stared at the ceiling laying on my bed as miles played with her hair.

"it's good, no?" He thought she'd warm up to it, he remembered his first high and being scared but Aiza would be too stubborn to admit that she kind off wanted the feeling of nothing.

"i don't get it, i don't feel.. euphoric?"

he chuckled, "not for you, huh?"

Aiza hummed.

"what would you do if i was the prowler?" odd question

She scoffed, "i'd break up with you."


"the prowler hurts people, only a matter of time until it's someone you love or yourself"



word count: 903


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