high, school

162 5 2


Wine Pon You -- Doja Cat, Konshens

"Ain't been hypnotised by you."

A kiss was all they needed. Miles was a manipulator, he knew he was attractive and he knew girls wanted him, he thought it'd be wrong to not use that to his advantage. A kiss was all a girl needed for them to reconsider all their previous thoughts, they'd get flustered and start stuttering, that's all Miles needed.
He'd make girls fall... what if he fell to?

Miles sat on the edge of a rooftop with his uncle but he didn't speak he just stared at the foggy ground, occasionally throwing small pebbles.

"..Miles?" Aaron broke Miles' weird staring...


"What you thinking 'bout? is it that girlfriend?" Aaron teased, chuckling.

"Nah, she's not even my girlfriend like that." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah? Didn't look like it." He raised a brow, trying to get Miles to talk about it.

"I just- I don't know. I just feel like i fucked up." Miles stuttered, trying to clear his head.

"What'd you do?"

"...I don't know, man." He cringed at the thought of telling his uncle everything.
"It's not that serious anyway." Miles shook his head.

"I can't help you if you don't talk." Aaron reminded him.

Miles hated it when he said this but he knew it was true, maybe that's why it stung.



"I'm bored as fuck." He threw his bag to the ground and then sat next to it.

He stared at the ceiling and the spiralling stairs. This was their spot, under the stairs.

"Word." Miles said, sitting next to him.

"...I got a pre-roll." Isaac resumed the pause.

"Are you dumb, high in school?" He shook his head.

"People do it all the time." Isaac searched his bag.

"Aight, light it up then." Miles gave into the idea.

They both looked around for cameras and ,fortunately for them, there were none. Smirks grew on their faces, fully excited as Isaac pulled out just one pre-roll. Miles lit his lighter and the other boy watched the spliff light up in the flame. 

The room smelt of weed, if anyone walked in they would be expelled for sure.

"Do you remember when you asked out Asia?" Miles asked, passing the blunt back to Isaac so he could take a hit.

"Yeah." He chuckled a little, adjusting his dreads.

"How'd that go?" He asked.

Isaac kissed his teeth and smiled when he thought about what to say,
"It went good, we talked and stuff."

"You didn't do anything?"

"Nah, nah, it was calm." He shook his head.

"Aight, whatever... Damn it's really starting to hit." Miles could feel the euphoria creep up on him.



That cherry scent was abundant again, she couldn't help but stare at Miles who had his head on the table. Aiza assumed he was tired or something but Miles was on another planet.

BURNT OUT | Miles Morales (e42) |Where stories live. Discover now