mirror pic x

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Trash Magic -- Lana Del Rey

"boy you know that I have really never loved nobody, but you"

Looking through his room he couldn't find his lighter. He looked behind his sketchbook, dropping it in the process, to see the red lighter left behind.

Sitting on the floor, Miles tried to light his spliff unsure if the lighter had any fuel left in it.

"Why are you smoking alone?" Aizas climbed through miles' window.

"What you doing here ma?" He stood up only to fall into her muddy green eyes.

"don't worry 'bout it." She dodged the question, really she just wanted somewhere to be since her mom still hadn't came back since the night she left.

Miles, about to speak got startled by the sound of his door opening,
"Yo miles- i mean uh." His uncle shut the door as quickly as he opened it.

"ugh one sec." Miles followed him out the door.

"miles has a girlfriend?" Arron raised a brow, taunting miles.

"it's not like that." Miles avoided eye contact.

"mm yeah anyways your mom took another shift so i'm staying here till she come back, alright?" Arron said.

"yeah alright." Miles sighed, returning to his room again.

"sorry 'bout that."

"don't worry." Aiza put her phone in the pocket of her puffer coat,
"so... i have to be your girlfriend now?" she  turned to look out the window.

"yeah." Miles slightly laughed to himself, pushing down the guilt of putting her in this situation.

"can we take a picture, it'll be so cute i'll post it on instagram." her face lit up with her idea.

Miles needed this bad, he was drained and tired but Aiza was so excited by little things, they contrasted well. Aiza matched his energy in all the wrong ways, that's why it was so right.

"uh yeah sure." Miles didn't really post on social media but her excitement rubbed off on him.

"okay go to the mirror." She instructed, pulling out her phone again and opening instagram.

Aiza stood in front of him, holding her phone high, Miles' hand snaked around her waist he admired how perfect she looked and how perfect he fit with her. Her highlighted hair, muddy eyes, gorgeous face it's all he could focus on.

Aiza burst out laughing once she took the photo, miles joined her after a few seconds.

They sat on Miles' bed together, Aiza laid on her stomach looking at the photo, showing it to Miles. He admired the photo for some reason it had him enraptured but he snapped out of his daze when the phone lit up with a call.

"Sorry one second." she answered, "hello- yeah, kay i'm coming back now." she hung up, sighing and rolling her eyes.

"I gotta go, sorry." Why she gotta leave so early?

"yeah okay, bye." Miles didn't want her to leave but he watched as she slipped out of his window.

With that he felt empty, lost, he wanted more of her and her energy but he couldn't bring himself to admit it.


they're so cute. this chapter was pretty much just a filler

word count: 527


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