The Prowler

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The Color Violet -- Tory Lanez

"love don't come till you find it"

"So Aiz.." Rae gave her that sneaky look, "you were at miles', hm?"

Aiza stayed silent not knowing what to say.. I mean she didn't have to say anything, the smile on her face said everything.

Asia sat down at their lunch table, "oh my god guys charlotte's having a party at her house." she let out a breath, "I love char's parties.."

Charlottes a spoilt girl, rich parents, no one knows why she didn't go to a private school but she's nice if you stay on her good side.

"for real, we should get ready together." Rae added.

"aw I wish I could come but char begged me to help set up, but you guys go ahead." Asia speaks at the perfect pace, and her voice matches her perfectly.

"aw okay, Aiza?" Rae asked.

"yeah, of course."


"so how was your class with your boyfriend and his ex???" getting ready with rae turned into gossiping.

"ugh Lia kept staring at me like? look somewhere else??" Aiza leaned into Rae's vanity mirror applying some tinted lip balm and making sure her lashes sat right.

"That bitch, she's such a pick me. When I was friends with her she'd chat shit about me to all of the guys, like where's the girl code?" Rae grabbed her straighteners, plugging them into the socket. "anyways.. miles? you gonna meet him at the party?"

"no he said he couldn't come 'cause his mom wants him home." Aiza wouldn't admit she was a little sad Miles wouldn't be there.

"damn, you guys are the cutest couple in our grade." Guilt consumed Aiza as she just wanted to tell Rae it was all fake, but she kept her cool.

"whatever.. I'm still scared about you driving."

"chill, Im taking tests."


The party was so good, until Aiza forgot her lip liner.

"Rae, I left my lip liner in your car." Aiza raised her voice over the music.

She holds her keys up, "just lock it."


The girl made her way out of the party. The street was dark and quiet, she couldn't help to feel this uneasy feeling creep up on her. All of sudden she found herself thrown against the coarse brick wall, she opened her eyes to see the prowler. His grip was unescapable, no matter how much she struggled.

"Quit struggling I'm not gonna hurt you." his robotic voice was all Aiza could hear over her heartbeat.

"what are you gonna do?" her voice was shaky and obviously scared no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

"You know a guy called Travis Brown?"


"Good, can you go get him, Aiza?" He took his hand off her trembling shoulder.

she wanted to question him about how he knew her name but the less she talked the safer she was.

Aiza entered the party again but it didn't feel right this time, if only she didn't forget that lip liner. Making her way around the party she spotted Travis with a group of people smoking.

"hey can I have some smoke?" she said to him.

"Only if you give me a dance beautiful." what a dick.

"How 'bout we just get outta here instead." he smirked at her suggestion.

"so uh.. where we going?" he broke the awkward silence of them walking on the pavement.

"car." she replied bluntly.


Aiza turned back to see Travis' head smashed into the concrete and the prowler standing above him, she covered her mouth in shock, shaking with fear.

"thanks a lot." He got close to her.

She looked at him and felt nothing but disgust, pushing down her feelings she just briskly walked back to the party.

It's kinda hard to enjoy a party when you just helped New York's most wanted criminal.

"Aizaaaa, let's get outta here." Rae stumbled towards Aiza before leaning on the same wall she was.

"yeah alright." Aiza grabbed her hand and made her way to the entrance for the last time.

"I swear to god if you lost my keys-" she slurred her words.

"oh my god chill."

Fear of The Prowler took over her but she stayed strong, staying close to Rae just in case.

"Aiz you're gonna have to drive."

"are you joking?"

"you're taking your tests right?" is she crazy?

"yeah and failing!" Aiza was good at a lot of things!... driving was not one of them.

She groaned and covered her face with her hands, "if I'm not home soon I'm for sure grounded" Rae cried out.

"well you either get grounded or end up with a crashed car!"

Just as Aiza was about to speak again, miles' voice met her ears, "what's good Aiza." he walked toward the car.

"miles!" her face visibly lit up, then it hit her, "you can drive! right?"

"huh? I mean, yeah?"

"can you drive us to Rae's?" Aiza forced the keys into his hands


"thanks!" she opened up the backseat door for Rae and then got into the passenger seat.

"What's the address..?" Miles put the key into ignition.

"uh just give it me..." he passed the phone to Aiza so she could type the address into maps.

He thanked her, clearing his throat, then started driving down the quiet street, still The Prowler encounter plagued Aiza, it left an uneasy knot in her throat.

"I thought you couldn't come." her question broke the silence.

"I can't, I just had to pick something up from the shop."

"oh.. okay."


I struggled writing this tbh, I dont know if I should do past or present tense 😭.

word count: 948


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