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ball w/o you -- 21 Savage

"i just wish your love wouldn't fade away"

Everyone has problems and almost everyone uses some type of distraction for their problems: drugs, fucking, cutting, smoking, alcohol... it's all the same. Just another distraction. Aiza never saw why people would get so surprised when they saw someone with scars or snorting powder 'till their nose bled, it felt so normalised in Aiza's head.

Drugs were something she decided she wasn't going to do, everyone's taught drugs are bad and it makes evil people, people you don't want to be but that's not true everyone has or knows someone that's gotten high on something before and they're not evil, just people who need to be distracted.

When Aiza found herself taking Percocet and feeling like she could get into a fight with a professional boxer and win she knew she had found her new distraction. Something to keep her numb but wouldn't plague her arms.
throughout every fight, every stress it would give her her pride back if she needed it, or if she wanted to shut off her senses she could do that to!


"so how was your first perc?" Rae slammed her locker shut, turning towards Aiza.

"good." she's still recovering from her lack of sleep.

"Hey Asia." Isaac nervously walked up to Asia, Rae and Aiza could see the feelings between them.

"Heyy." Asia put her phone down and smiled showing her dimples.

"So like- you er- You free after school?" Isaac was nervous, he liked Asia and desperately wanted to spend to with her where they weren't fucked up.

"Yeahh." Asia batted her eyelashes.

"Cool, you wanna hang out but not for like weed- just- just us." He scratched the back of his neck, stuttering over his words which contrasted his usual loud, confident behaviour.

"Yeah sure just text me, alright?" Asia softly bit her lip, she had fallen in a trance just looking at him.

"alright." Isaac walked off to his friends who made a commotion when he joined them.

"ouuu asiaa!" Aiza and Rae instinctively looked at each other as they thought the same thing.

"shut up Aiza you're in love with Miles." She wrapped her finger in the coils of her hair.

"that's not gonna work this time." Aiza smirked.

"wait notice how she didn't deny it?" Rae turned to Aiza.

"oh my god, yeah!" the pair taunted Asia, everyone saw Asia and Isaac spending excessive time together.

"shut up guys." Asia rolled her eyes.


She looked into the mirror and a wave of derealisation filled her head. Everything that happened last night was so out of place but everyone acted like nothing happened, some people didn't even know what had happened or why Aiza felt so disoriented they just saw her how they always did.

Aiza couldn't just stop her day because she felt unreal, she pretended like it wasn't even happening, pulling up her sleeve and washing her hands avoiding her wound so it didn't sting but it always managed to sting either way.

Drying her hands she took a deep breath and walked into the hallway, from a distance she could see two people kissing but as her eyes adjusted to the contrast of the silhouettes and the bright windows the faces started to look more familiar.

Close enough to see it was Miles and Amelia but far enough away to not be noticed. Aiza's heart sank, the whole reason Miles and Aiza talked was because he didn't like Lia but clearly it was never that serious to Miles.

She walked away clenching her fists, not knowing how she should even feel.

"Rae." Aiza located Rae in the busy cafeteria.

"Yeah? What's up?" Rae took into account Aiza's visibly stressed face.

"i think-" she stopped to find her scattered words, "i think Miles and Amelia are back together."

"What?" Rae dragged Aiza away from the crowd.

"I- don't tell anyone okay?"

"of course- just tell me what happened." she tried to understand.

"I walked out of the bathroom and i see too people making out but as i looked closer.. it was Miles and Amelia." There was no emotion in Aizas voice she just shut it off.

Rae covered her mouth, "oh my god, are you okay though?.."

"I don't know.. i feel like i'm supposed to be heartbroken but im not."

Aiza and Miles weren't dating, Aiza wasn't sure if she was even allowed to feel bad. She can't deny there was little pain because even though it was fake it felt so real.

"Well i guess that's good?" Rae tried her best to comfort her friend.


ermmmmm what the flip
word count: 785

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