pros & cons

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n.h.i.e -- 21 Savage, Doja Cat

"Hell nah, let you slide like it's cool."

She rolled out of bed, wearing shorts and a crop top. Walking to her parent's bedroom she thought about what she needed to do.

Aiza felt her heart drop seeing the room vacant, knowing her mom had left again. Sighing, she rummaged through the nightstands that stood next to the queen sized bed, valium, percs goddamn her mom was like a pharmacist. A little tin caught her eye, curious, she pried it open and found some hand rolled cigarettes. Aiza smirked to herself knowing she was gonna take all of this shit but it wasn't what she was looking for...

Moving on to the closet, she swung the double doors open and checked the drawers. Towards the bottom there was piles of clothes and useless shit, but as Aiza peeled away the layers there was a little cardboard shoe box.

She found it.

There was little baggies of white powder, baggies of pills, baggies of weed but what really caught her eye... A glock 19. Picking it up she felt the weight it had and it was cold. Aiza felt the power it had.


Aiza peeked around the corner of the stairs, staring into the living room,

"Don't point that gun at me." she shook her thick brown hair.

Julian stood opposite her, the only thing separating them was the low coffee table.

Glock in hand he said, "Don't make me."

His voice was smooth and surprisingly calm for the situation. The gun was lowered, making noise as it clashed with the coffee table it sat on.

Aiza ran upstairs, her footsteps making it clear she was there. It was so confusing for a her little head, why did her daddy have a gun? Why was he pointing it at mom?... Guns are bad and her dad is supposed to be good so, why?

"Put that shit away i don't wanna Aiza seeing you with that thing." Her mom's voice grew louder and then the door to their room slammed shut.


Snapping back to the moment Aiza made the room look like she had never been there but everything she took, including the gun, got moved to her closet.

Prowler's gonna see what that shit does. That was the plan.

Now she had to get ready for school, fuck!


The two girls sat in the, now smokey, living room they were smoking cigarettes Aiza had found earlier that day.

"Do you know where Rae was, she hasn't been in school?" Aiza asked, putting her cigarette out in the ash tray that sat on the coffee table.

"Yeah she said she's like really sick." Asia positioned herself comfortably adjacent to Aiza, on same couch.

"Hope she can make it to my party."

"Yeah, shit's gonna be good just leave it to me." The curly head put her cigarette out.

"We probably stink of cigarettes." Aiza realised.

"Fuck we need to change outta our uniform." They both rushed off of the couch and hurried to Aiza's bedroom.

"I wanna smoke so bad." Asia groaned
"Nothings stopping you." Aiza looked up from her phone.

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