Don't worry 'bout it.

313 5 4


Art Deco -- Lana Del Rey

"a little party never hurt no one, so you stay out late"

Aiza sat at her desk, bored out of mind, with nothing to do.


An unknown number lit up her screen.


hey I'm here.

who is this?

miles and i'm at ur door.

coming 😒

read 6:47pm

"whats good?" miles closed the door behind him.

"come on let's just go to my room." she sighed.

Once they got to her room Aiza was met with disappointing news.

"so like there's been a change of plans.." he stood at the edge of bed.

"hm?" she focused on him.

"yeah so Isaacs throwing a party and I need to go with you to prove Lia I dont want her." Aiza's heart raced at the thought of going with him, she wanted to go anyways just not with Miles.

"wait whats going on with you and Lia anyway? you've never been broken up for this long." she gestured for him to sit down which he did.

"youre so nosy ma."

"oh come on, just tell me."

" I don't know I only really liked her beginning of freshman, I kinda just feel bad for her now." miles explained

"oh my god miles you can't just date her because you feel bad?!"

"I know I know.. but anyways do you wanna go to the party or nah?"

Whats the worst that could happen? "yeah let me find a dress."

Aiza looked through her wardrobe before finding a nice black dress, it was nothing special but perfect for a sophomore house party, she grabbed some tights and then went to the bathroom to get changed.

"Ok I'm ready let's go." she said whilst brushing her hair and grabbing a gloss to take with her.
She turned around just to see miles looking her up and down,


he cleared his throat, "yeah."

As soon as they got in to his car Aiza put her lip gloss on, looking in the mirror,

"how d'you even know how to drive?" matter of fact how'd this guy get her address or number?

"don't worry 'bout it."

"what if the police pull you over? what you gonna do." she scoffed

"they won't mami, I'm not a bad driver." yeah right.

When they got to the party miles just told her to 'be careful' and then went off with Isaac, Aiza knew close to no one at the party so she ended up staring at her phone.

prettiest girls 😍💕

is anyone at isaac's party? miles dragged me to it 😭😭

omg yeah me and rae are here where r uuuu

I'm by the enterance

one sec
read 9:32

"Yo you want some?" An unfamiliar person approached Aiza.

"uhm, nah im good." she put her phone into her coat pocket.

"come on." he pushed a plastic cup towards her.

Feeling pressured Aiza drank a little but she also didn't think she'd get spiked, you always hear about it but whats the chance of it happening to you?

"drink some more." he pushed the cup upwards, forcing it down her throat.

"fuck off oh my god." she pushed him away, the weirder he acted the more she realised she made a huge mistake.

The tall curly head chuckled but Aiza wasn't focused on that as the sound of the music overtook her thoughts and her legs grew weak.

"come on, lets get out of here." he gave a devilish grin and guided her into another room, she was too disoriented to push back. Through her blurry vision she saw Miles push the guy in front of her, shouting things she couldn't make out.


"You awake?" miles nudged her shoulder.

"yeah?" Aiza scanned her surroundings, miles' car.

"What the fuck did you take?"

"nothing.." her head was still pounding.

"i told you be careful, Aiz"

"what does that even mean?" she whined.

"Whatever you need to go to sleep, your mom awake?" always dodging the question.

she double tapped her phone, 1am.. "probably not."

"let's go then."

They got out of the car, Miles held her close to stop her from losing her balance, she unlocked the door and told him to be quiet. Once they made it to Aiza's room he looked through her wardrobe, grabbing some random pyjamas,

"come on get changed ma." He was gentle in how he spoke.

"can you unzip my dress 'n take off my necklace?" The end goal for Aiza was to sleep, that's all she wanted right now.

Miles smiled getting behind her and carefully moving her hair to the side, unclipping her necklace with some struggle, putting it on her bedside table. This was the most gentle Aiza had seen Miles, she didn't want get attached to it though. Miles always seems so arrogant, but right now Aiza knew he meant more.

"You okay? i'm gonna go now."

"yeah.. thanks."

"Don't worry 'bout it ma." and just like that he had climbed through her window and gone.



I THOUGHT I ATE THIS UPPP IDK THO LMK honestly think miles would beat u up for making him angry but since i'm writing this i got control i ain't gon make him do that 😭🙏

word count: 875

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