somewhere nice

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Fill the void — the weeknd, lily rose depp, ramsey

"Miles..." She sighed, "I can't fuck with you."

"..Come on, Why?" He desperately asked, trying to conceal his emotions.

"You're a.. killer." Aiza sounded unsure of herself

"Only to people who deserve it." Miles joked.

"Who the fuck are you to decide that?" She pushed him back, "Fucking playing God.. You're not a good person—" She backed away to the door

"Yeah? Who are you to decide that, huh?" He let his frustrations peek through.
"You're being such a bitch about this.."

She took a step back, "Fuck you!" and exited the room, heading downstairs.

"Shut up my mom's gonna hear you." she whisper-shouted.

Aiza quickly put on her shoes and attempted to slam the door but Miles pushed it open, muttering curse words under his breath.

"Aiz'. What the fuck, this is so stupid." He groaned out of annoyance.

She walked along the street which was glistening when any light hit it due to it having just rained, puddles stood still on the jagged ground. Until she was standing in front of a familiar BMW which was covered in rain drops.
"No, you fucking kill people! That's kinda big."

"You have a gun in your room and a drug addiction, you're not an angel either."

"I don't have a fucking addiction. At least i haven't ended someone's goddamn life!" she stepped back, leaning against the wall, offended.
"I hate you, i don't know why i let myself like you."

"You know why."a smirk grew on his face.

"Tell me then, tell me why i fucked around with a killer."

He leaned into her ear, she could feel his breath on her neck.
" You give in too easily." he let his hand rest on her neck and pulled her closer.

Aiza sighed, realising this was all too familiar.
"You're not doing this again."

"I'm not?" he teased.

She pushed him back, "Yes! i just found out you murder people, you can't kiss your way out of this one.." she rolled her eyes, getting in front of him and closer to the car.

"Worked last time." He scoffed, reminding her of how weakly she gave in.

She cursed him under her breath and started walking away even though she had no where to go.

"Come on, Aiza you need to calm down." He grabbed her, pulling her back to the car.

She considered his words, he was right she needed to clear her head but she still felt she had every right to be angry.
"I need you to fuck off."

He pushed her backwards, so she leaned against his car, his hand trailing to her neck.
"That's not gonna happen Aiz', 'cause you know now. You can't run."

Aiza looked confused, "What? You think i'm gonna tell the police?"

Miles gave a look almost as if he was asking her himself.

"No! That's none of my business." she assured.

"So what's the problem then?" he asked, sincerely.

"I'm hanging out with someone who could literally kill me..?"

"You know i'd never." He reminded, "I meant everything i said when you were drunk."

She started to think and remember as much as she could from that night before feeling a ball of shame for getting so wasted, so she brushed the thought aside, momentarily.

"Come on, mami. let me take you somewhere nice, to make it up to you." He reached for his key, the lights of the car briefly flashing as he unlocked the car.

"You can't just make up for people's lives." She rolled her eyes.

"But I know you'll get in." He said, opening the passenger seat for her.

She hated him for how right he was, how confident he was in his ability to make her give in. Miles was manipulative, arrogant and a straight up killer but she still gravitated to him like a magnet. It killed her.

what the fuck did i just write im howling
i'm just tryna wrap up the story so i can write my new book 💪🏽 and also end of year exams 😣

word count: 688

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