happy birthday.

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Speed -- Kali uchis

"you don't really know what you got yourself into."

She was stunning, dancing in the sea of people who didn't matter to him. She was wearing a deep red dress that shimmered in the light that hit it, her hair was in a half up half down ponytail and curled at the ends. Aiza was smiling and laughing with her friends as well, she looked so perfect as they downed shots and moved to the music.

He couldn't keep his eyes off her but he could only admire from afar, leaned against the wall and taking sips out of his plastic, red cup. All he wanted was to muster up the courage to go up to her and at least just talk.

"Happy birthday Aiz!" A bubbly, brunette girl smiled and handed over a gift bag to Aiza.

"Thank youu." She hugged her before taking the bag with her to her room.

This was his chance.

He took one finishing sip out of his cup before setting it down and then followed the girl.

Aiza set the gift down along with all the others she'd received before turning around to return back to the party only to be met with someone entering.

"Hey." Jace's hands combed through his curly hair.


Miles showed up late just because his uncle was pestering him about some more prowler stuff, he was so sick of it. He made his way through the crowds before spotting Isaac and Asia talking together.

"Yo, have you guys seen Aiz?" He asked.

"Yeah she went upstairs, she'll be back in a second probably." Asia answered over the music.

"I saw Jace follow her." her partner directed at Miles.

"Who?" The braided boy squinted.

"Just some guy, it's probably nothing." Isaac spoke again.

"Aight whatever."

Miles left them and went to go get a drink.


"Hey, what you doing here?" Aiza asked innocently.

"Just- There's something i wanna ask you.." Jace stepped closer towards her.

At that moment Aiza assumed what he was going to say and so she started preparing her answer but to be honest she had no idea what to say, she didn't know him well enough to make a judgement but, as Rae would say, it would sort out the 'Miles situation' if she dated Jace.

"Uh, yeah, go ahead?" She nervously smiled, and took a deep breath.

"Do you wanna.." Jace stuttered, then cleared his throat.
"Do you wanna go on a date?"

"...Where to?" Aiza said, stepping closer this time.


"Aiz." Miles opened the door, seeing the pair.

"Why are you here?" Jace said, looking Miles up and down with disgust.

"What's your issue?" He kissed his teeth at the disrespect.

"Whatever, I'll text you." Jace mumbled before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.

Aiza stood infront of Miles, laughing internally due to how the two men reacted towards each other.

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