cherry flavoured kisses

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B.E.D -- Jacquees

"I know you wanna be in my B.E.D"

"Aiza ¿dónde estabas? (where were you?)" The angry women shouted, arms crossed, ready to explode.

"Where were YOU? You haven't been home since you left that night!" Aiza was hurt, mostly because she was probably staying at her dad's.

"i'm an adult, i can be gone for however long i want but you live under my roof!"

Aiza groaned in response, just wanting to get this over with.

"Who drove you here?" She raised an eyebrow.

"no one- just.. no one."

"¿crees que tengo todo el día? (do you think i have all day?)"

"just a friend.."


"miles.." her voice was so quiet it could barley be heard.

"louder." she demanded.

"miles morales!" she blurted out, louder then she expected.

".. morales.. oh i know his mother! she's a nurse- wait MILES?! You were alone in a car with a BOY?!" My mom's face filled with rage as she spoke.

"no mom my friend was there too." Her words met deaf ears as mother kept mumbling to herself.

"just wait for your father to hear about this.." she sighed with defeat.

"Good thing he's not here." Aiza rolled my eyes.


"Mrs Jones said that i need to talk less? Fucking bitch how about you breathe less?."
Asia spat out all her problems with her drama teacher.

"for real. If our school got shot up just throw her at the shooter." Rae fuelled Asia even more.

"oh my god you can't say stuff like that!" Aiza laughed.

"Ugh she deserves it, swear she's racist like how can she not pronounce my name? it's 3 LETTERS!"

Before they could shit talk some more Asia got a notification, she opened it and squinted her eyes trying to make out what was in the video.

"OH MY GOD!" she covered her mouth after realising she was basically screaming.

"What? What is it?" Rae got up and watched over Asias shoulder,

"AHAH AIZA!!!." Rae dragged out her name.


"bitch come see." Asia said.

she stared down in disgust to see what they were overreacting about, a lengthy video of Aiza and Miles making out with booming music in the back. Aiza was embarrassed not because of Miles he was her 'boyfriend' after all but the fact the video got shared around.. she felt so small.

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