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She couldn't believe it. The person she thought about so much took the lives of so many people, saw them take their last breath and convinced himself it was fine. How could she ever feel safe around someone so comfortable with committing such actions?

Aiza wiped away tears as she sat on the hood of the car. Overlooking the never ending field surround them be covered in blue tints.

Miles knew she didn't want to eat at a restaurant or go to a club, she wanted to understand or rather deny the fact he was a monster. They looked at the cloudy sky, some fast food in between them.
Truth be told, she wasn't hungry.

Not after what she had just found out...

She didn't want him to see her cry but tears flooded as she asked, "How can i not see you as a killer?".

Miles didn't know how to respond, he'd never thought about what this would do to their relationship. He could've held on a little longer, not revealed his identity but he loved her so much. Miles wanted her to know every part of him.

Uncle Aaron would tell him things like, "Girls are distractions." to the point it engraved in his head, how could he let himself slip?


Just silence.

Before Aiza turned to take a good look at him, it was hard seeing someone she loved so much turn out to be so horrible. She got off the car, her shoes hitting the grass.

"I hate you so much.." She cried into her hands that covered her face, walking away from him and car.

"No, Aiz-" Miles walked after her.

He pulled her into an embrace, her head buried in his chest. She could smell that cologne that always followed him. His deep, purple, zip-up hoodie probably getting wet from the waves that pooled at her eyes.

Aiza's arms wrapped around him, still finding comfort in him...

"Te quiero, Aiza." His fingers intertwined in her hair.

[Te quiero is usually used as saying I love you but translates to I want you.]

"What do you mean by that?" She pulled away, slightly, and looked him in his eyes.
"I can't be a murderer's want."

Miles took a deep breath,

"I love you."


Aiza shot up in a cold sweat, taking heavy breaths. She swallowed her screams as memories played on repeat... over and over.

The gunshot, the running, "I love you.".

They ran inside the car, Miles immediately swerving on to the road. In the rearview mirror a sight of three, masked men, in all black rode motorcycles and chased after the BMW.

A familiar knot twisted inside of Aiza, she felt her insides curl up. The need to scream and cry was overwhelming but she couldn't, not even with all her might she couldn't force her body to inhale.

Then her body allowed a sharp inhale, like someone untied the knot before twisting it up again, repeating the cycle.

Aiza had never experienced a panic attack before, the realisation scared her even more. Tears welled up all whilst Miles was shouting curse words and the car shook violently as he swerved.

The speed increased, "Aiza, i need you to stop crying." Miles held her hand, making his tone more gentle.

His other hand still on the steering wheel. She listened to his words, shutting off her emotions to focus on survival. Miles grabbed the gun from his waistband and forced it into her hand,

"I need you to do this, okay?"

She stuttered, still struggling to breathe, "I-"

"Aiza!" His violence revealed more and more.

She realised this was her only option beside dying herself, she had to kill someone. The window beside her rolled down and she looked out of it, extending her arm and pulling the trigger multiple times. Her aim was far from good, shaky, but one the men shouted in what seemed to be agony.

Aiza used all her strength to remember the events that followed, but her brain blocked them out. It was so traumatic for her, she forced herself to forget it, she doesn't even believe she was there, just a soul floating to Venus whilst her physical body acted. She was dissociating heavily.

Miles had called and texted her so much after the incident, even though it had only been a day. School was cancelled the next day but the school never said why. She thought it was because she killed someone who attended the school and the guilt was like a hairball that needed to be thrown up, but she couldn't be sure.

One thing she needed was closure, reassurance, something or anything to tell her even though she was madly in love with a murderer, even though she might've killed someone and had blood on her hands all whilst still being in high school, it was gonna be okay.

miles ❤️

Aiza i'm sorry
*one missed call from, miles ❤️*
pls call me
i need to know you're okay
I didn't mean for that to happen
I wish it never happened
i'm so sorry
i'm so sorry pls aiza
*one missed call from, miles ❤️*
pls aiza

come over
we should talk

Miles immediately read her message and responded

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Miles immediately read her message and responded.

She looked at the time, 2am, and sighed. Why did her flashbacks have to wake her up when all she wanted to sleep, at least when you're sleeping you don't have to think. Her eyes and the skin around it were glossed, she couldn't count the amount of times she had cried.

Maybe she was being dramatic, but to her she felt her life to be broken, never to be fixed. Maybe it was just Miles, maybe all of her other little problems and embarrassments bubbled up in time to torment her.

Finally standing up, she fixed her messy hair before just wrapping her self in the blanket again due the cold temperature. Aiza closed her eyes, trying not to think about the murderer coming to her house or her love for the murderer.


a/n ⚠️

the last proper chapter at least because then i wanna write a cute ass epilogue but whatever. I'm gonna try and give this the cutest ending it deserves.

ALSO even though it's been over a year since atsv came out i kinda wanna write another Miles book but is too late? idkkkk lmk.

word count: 1074

vote ❤️


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