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Cherry -- Lana Del Rey

"i fall to pieces when i'm with you."

Three knocks.

Jace quickly buckled his belt before he could start anything and slid out the door.

"the fuck were you doing?" Miles said, surprised he was in there.

"Just putting her to bed." The light skin pushed past, heading downstairs.

Miles sensed something was up and for some reason couldn't shake the feeling. He entered the room and turned the lights on just to make sure she was okay, he saw Aiza on the bed with her dress pulled up, uncovering her shorts.He folded her dress down, wondering if Jace was there for more than just putting her to bed.

"Don't touch me." She slapped his hand, weakly.

This made him question what Jace was doing even more, she was so reactive.

"Chill. You can't sleep like this." He picked her up like she weighed nothing, making her stand.

She groaned, tired. Miles took the hair band and clip in her hair out, combing his fingers through to make it less messy.

"You okay?"

"You're pretty." The hazel eyed girl cupped his face with her hands.

"I don't want your drunk hands all over me." He held her hands gently with his.

"Rude." she intentionally collapsed on her bed again.

"No Aiz." He picked her up and held her close.
"You're not gonna remember this anyways..." he whispered.
"I don't wanna lose you." to Jace, to anyone had bad intentions.

"Aww." She pat his head which made him laugh.

"Alright, 'nough of me yapping, get changed." He picked out the same pair he did the day of the last party.

"This reminds me of when you kidnapped me." She smiled.

"Chill out there, i didn't kidnap you." he laughed again.

"And i got spiked 'cause i was being dumb as fuck... And you did something to him..." She tried to remember what happened after the pushing.

"I beat him." He's words broke the news.

"You what?" Aiza said, stunned.


"The fuck you doing, she said no." Miles pushed the taller guy in front of him.

"Nah it's not like that, she wants it." The guy defended.

"Man- Get outta of here." His fists balled up.

The clearly older guy kept making excuses, it just sounded like whiny bullshit to Miles. He's never been one for peacemaking and violence was definitely not a stranger, so he did what he had to do.

A strike across the face, his cheek went red as he cried out and rubbed the area.
"What the fuck man, i swear!" Fucking excuses.

And so he got another strike, this time on the other cheek. It made him fall the ground where he got kicked repeatedly,

"Shut the fuck up with them excuses." Miles spat.

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