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Bad trip -- Jhené Aiko

"You told me you loved me, You're a liar, You're a liar i hate you."

Mom?!" She cried out like a lost child, nudging her mom's shoulder.

"Mom.. please." Her mom's arms were bruised and her nose was bleeding, she was passed out on the couch.

Aiza watched as her dad just stared at her from behind the couch there wasn't a soul in his body, his eyes were empty.

"Go Aiza."

"No! You did this." 5 year old Aiza couldn't breathe, she couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"Go Aiza." His voice made her shake, made her afraid.

hands threw her against the wall, all she could do was cry and scream but sirens grew louder, sirens turned into saviours. Aiza's mom, now awake pleaded with her husband, phone in her hand.


Aiza stopped thinking about what happened and checked her phone,

miles ‼️
6 new messages

her lock screen read, she rolled her eyes and continued to just stare at her ceiling but since she was interrupted the memory didn't feel the same. Aiza sighed and texted Rae,

esposa 🎀💕

miles won't stop fucking texting me

ghost his ass tho

yeah im so bored tho i have nothing to do but text him 😖

go do smth bro
like NOT texting him

you right

Through her window, he watched her throw her phone on to her bed and leave her room. Miles couldn't help it why was she acting so strange? he needed to know, Miles rarely gets attached but when he does he won't stop.
He lingered around her house not knowing what to do with himself, he had been too busy with Prowler stuff to do anything but now he had the time he didn't even know what to do with it. Aiza caught his eye as he watched her walk out her front door, he deactivated his prowler mask and followed her.

"Aiza." She turned around, just to be disappointed.

"What i'm busy."

"damn ma, you just gon' blow me off?" He walked next to her.

Aiza didn't respond, just sighed and continued walking with an annoyed face.

"Why ain't you speaking?" He needed to know.

"Miles i'm busy." She turned the corner into an alleyway, just a short cut.

"Come on mami, what'd i do." He cornered her into the wall, she melted in his touch and words but couldn't give up.

"None of your business Miles."  Aiza pushed him lightly, but he held her tight.

"Nah don't run." He grabbed one of her wrists and pinned it to the wall.

"Ow- Miles stop." She felt weak and her wrist wouldn't stop stinging.

"Just fucking tell me."

Miles grew up with violence, he was an angry person, he was everything she didn't need.
Aiza forcefully escaped him but just looked at him not knowing what to do.
Miles recognised he had fucked up and she was hurt,

"I'm sorry ma.." he walked close to her again, noticing the marks on her neck.

"Damn who'd you fuck?" He scoffed trying to ignore what had just happened.

"They're not fucking hickeys." She covered it with her hand

Aiza had forgotten about the bruises on her neck usually she'd do her best to cover them with concealer but she didn't expect to go out today.

"Then-" Miles realised, "What?" he didn't understand, who would do that?

"just- fuck off." She walked off, feeling embarrassed.

Aiza thugged out every situation she was in, she appreciated when people cared but felt so guilty for making them stress about a problem which wasn't theres. There was nothing Aiza thought she couldn't handle by herself she didn't need anyone to think she was weak enough to not deal with her own problems. The fact Miles pushed her boundaries got on her nerves it just reminded her that feeling of being helpless, usually Aiza would combat this by being overly loud and full of attitude but at the end of the day, she was weak.


this is so cliche help
word count: 668

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