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Loner -- Kali uchis

"I don't even wanna know ya."

"Miles...what are we?" She leaves the bathroom and walks into the room Miles was in.

"Nothing. You just gave me head, that's it." He said bluntly.

"Oh." She seemed upset, but Miles couldn't care less.

He couldn't believe she had actually thought something was going on and he wasn't just using her for her body.

"You can leave now?" He dismissed, confused on why she hadn't left already.

She didn't speak, she just grabbed her little bag and left quickly.

He was too distracted to even think about what he did to her, he was too busy thinking about Jace. How he already got Aiza, how he was a shitty person, it plagued his mind. He didn't even wanna worry about Aiza this much but Miles realised he liked her more than he could ever comprehend.



Jace sat at a local restaurant, waiting for his date. He was met with beauty as she entered the doors and joined him at the table.

"You look nice." He complimented.

"Yeah, thanks.." Aiza couldn't stop thinking about who he was, what he did.

"What happened to you face?" She referred to all the bandaged and scarring.

"Oh- Uh. It was nothing." He shrugged and tried to change the subject, not wanting to seem less a man because Miles beat him up.

"Oh, are you okay though?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. Don't worry about it!" For some reason when he said that it just made her think of Miles, fuck, she couldn't get him out of her head.

Aiza counted the minutes of the awkward small talk, really just wanting to get home and watch Netflix, or talk to someone... They ordered food, which was the only reason she stayed, Jace payed of course and then they left. That was it.

It was boring as fuck.

And it almost embarrassed her the way it was so awkward, but Jace was a nice guy, it wasn't his fault. They just didn't click.


Aiza got home and tried go clear her head, taking a hot shower, lighting a candle and planned to watch a movie. She took her towel and dried the ends of her hair before putting it in a clip to get it out the way.

Her routine was disturbed by a heavy thud, someone entering through the window. Instinctively she grabbed her gun and held it close to her.

Only the candle lit the room, revealing The Prowler. Aiza's shaky hands pointed the gun at him as he tried to move closer.

"Get the fuck out." She was placed all her faith in her hands, and what it was holding.

The figured attempted another step before Aiza shot the floor underneath him,
"I'm not playing." She pointed the gun square at his face.

"Okay, don't shoot." He put his hands up, but he still seemed to not be taking this seriously.

"Take off your mask." She demanded.

"... Don't shoot." He took his hand, and deactivated his mask.
"I need to talk to you."

Aiza dropped the hard metal on the floor,
"...Miles?" Her hands covered her mouth and her eyes started to tear up.

The two stood awkwardly at her bedroom window, smoking Miles' cigarettes together and blowing the smoke out the window.

"...So I went on a date with Jace today.." She tried to break the tension.

"Oh, that dickhead." his eyes rolled.

"Yeah.. He's really boring." Aiza avoided eye contact and just looked out the window.

She felt unsatisfied, she needed answers.
"Why do you do it?"

He deeply exhaled.
"The police don't do their fucking job, so i do it for them, and better, and for more money."

She took a second, taking it all in, "Who pays you?"

"I can't reveal that, ma." His began to ease his once tense posture.

"You kill so many innocent people, i don't know if i can get over that." He was violent, and a murderer, how did she get so close to him?

"Not innocent." Miles corrected her.

She looked at him with an expression of disbelief, "What about that father of two you killed and robbed?"

"He was involved in sex trafficking, that's something the police will never tell you." He revealed.

"Does it not feel weird, taking the life of people?" Aiza asked.

"Life always feel weird, wether you kill people of not, you get used to it."

His words had truth, but it wasn't easy for Aiza to accept.

He let her indulge in her thoughts before asking, "Did Jace look all battered on your date?"


"Pussy, how did he say he got it?"

"He didn't. He just said it was nothing." Aiza recalled.

"It was me, he had bad intentions for you. I had to teach him something." He watched as she kept her same expression.


to be continueddddddd!!!
unedited, wrote this all in one sitting at 3am 😸
btw sorry all i listen to is kali, jhené and lana del rey the rest is literally emo music so i can't put it here 😭
word count: 854


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