late night out

176 3 15


The Walls -- Chase Atlantic

"Honestly i think she needs a little loving."

Aiza's Dad came back early, he worked out of town. Whenever He's back there's no moment of quiet, even when you're trying to sleep you can always hear someone fighting and Aiza had had enough.

"Oh my god i can't even sleep in this house hold!" Aiza said intentionally loud as she passed her parent's room, heading to the kitchen.

"What did you say?" Aizas Dad burst through the door of his shared room, taking heavy steps toward Aiza.

"I said shut up! I have school tomorrow, have some consideration." She screamed.

"Don't you tell us to shut up, we are having an adult conversation!" Fire on fire, they both would never back down from an argument they'd only fuel it.

"You've already ruined my childhood, why can't i hear? Don't broadcast your conversations to my room!" Tears started to swell in her eyes no matter how hard she tried to stop her voice from shaking it would always happen.

"Ruin your childhood.." he muttered like it was false, "You grew up with a roof over your head, what else could you want?!" His face was full of violence, full of hatred and stress, it's hard to be an awful person!

"I don't know, let me think- A father that wouldn't hit my mom in front of me, who didn't have anger issues, who didn't break all my toys because he had a fit!" She counted on her fingers, by now Aiza was up in his face.

"You forget how lucky you are." He pointed at her, channeling his negativity.

"yeah really lucky." she scoffed.

Aiza turned around to go back to her room, cool off and wipe away her tears but just as her back was turned she was slammed into the wall by her dad. It reminded her of the prowler.

"I didn't raise you to have this attitude, you spoilt girl, you're horrible!" His voice was raspy but tiered.

"Get off of me!" She pushed him off, "You didn't raise me at all." As much as Aiza hated to admit, that was false , she learnt to stand up for herself, to argue and to be confident from her father, they were more alike than both of them would like to be.

She rushed to the front door, grabbing her shoes and her coat putting them on as she shouted her last words before she left,
"Fuck you and fuck mom for always taking you back!"
Before her dad could say anything the door was aggressively slammed shut, almost making the whole house shake.

Now she was just a girl, in her hello kitty pyjamas, with no where to go.

Before she texted anyone she needed to clear her head, get her thoughts straight. Aiza sat on a park bench, knees up with her phone resting in her hands but not on. The tired girl found her mind too busy, too loud, no matter what she did she couldn't switch her thoughts off she could only think of what just happened following that, her childhood.

⚠️TW: SELF HARM⚠️ (please do not read if you're having thoughts of self harm or relapsing or are uncomfortable with this topic!)

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