15. Advice

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".... What do you think about this dress?." Lena held up a Louis Vuitton ball gown which accentuated the figure.

Charisma nodded. "Are we both going for cream?.." she turned her nose up.

"I'm wearing cream.. you look killer in red... wear the red one.."
Charisma nodded. Lena was loving this shopping  trip with her sister but she could see that Charisma had something down her mind.
"Shall we grab coffee!.."


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"Yes!." Charisma said. "My feet are killing in these heels... tell me why I decided to wear heels shopping!.."

Lena laughed as they took a seat in the coffee shop on the high street. "Okay Missy... tell me what's up?.."
Charisma looked at her.
"You're my baby sister and I can read you like a book.. you are sad about something..."

Charisma sipped her coffee as the waiter brought it over and put it in front of them. She took a deep breath and looked at Lena. "I feel so bad...


"I hurt him Lena... like really hurt him..



"Today?... help me out here cos I got no clue what you're talking about.."

"Me and Nash.."

"Oh.." Lena said and sat bad with her cup in her hand.

"He told me this morning that he hasn't gotten over it.. that the reason that he wanted to hurt me so bad in the past is because I hurt him and he has tried to put it behind him but he can't...

"I'm a stop you there... he could have just left you and never got back with you... instead he made the conscious decision to hurt you... beat you, sleep with other women and rub it in your face... all he had to do was walk away instead he chose to make years and years of your life pain filled..."

"He asked me today if I have feelings for Nash.."

Lena looked at her. "And... you don't anymore.. do you?."

"It's not about feelings in the relationship sense... he was my safe space... he still is... or was.. until he killed Zara... I love Nash, Lena... but Keegan will never understand in what sense.. he won't see it that way..."

"And really can you blame him?... I'm not being mean C.. but, Nash is his uncle.. you and his uncle have a bond that he can't understand or even have with you on that level.. it would fuck with any man's head..."

"... so I am the bitch... I have done him wrong...

"You shouldn't have feelings whether you hide them or not for any other man... especially your husband's uncle... look what happened to Arlen.. that is what is seething away inside of Keegan... And I'm sorry to say sis but you are not helping the situation... you have to be upfront with him about Nash and stop skirting around it... or he will forever, go on thinking bad things because you will never set it straight.."
Lena told her straight.

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