21. Whos side

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Charisma waited in her car at the rendezvous point, she had to meet Marlon at. She rested her head in her hands as she saw his car approach. He got out he walked across to her car and jumped in the passenger seat. He turned to the side and looked at her.
"I had to save Leyton the other night... well I thought I did... he was good all by himself really... in the end I stopped him before he killed the kid...


He looked at her. "You don't know?."

"I know nothing about Layton... I've been out most of the morning what... what's happened?." She said concerned.

"He got a lot of me in him

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"He got a lot of me in him... you need to be careful with that... that darkness that grows so deep... you gotta dangerous man on yo hands with him..." he paused. "He cut someone's eye out with a knife Charisma... I took him to fight these motherfuckers that beat him up... I wanted him to confront them. I was ready to fucking kill them myself, because I'm sick of him being picked on... I didn't have to do a fucking thing, he changed right in front of me and his face, so deep in the darkness, his eyes were gone... And he cut that eye out of his face without any hesitation...

Charisma buried her head in her hands and cried. "I told you, I needed help with him... I saw this coming a long time ago... Everything that happened to him, how quiet he is, how his mind must be always ticking over waiting....

"I wanna talk to him... I can help him... you know I can...

Charisma nodded. "Okay... yeah, you talk to him...

"I also know where the twins are... and they are fine..." he said.

"You were sending me the texts weren't you... from the night out...

"I was right there with him... watching him acting like a complete fucking child, that girl all over him, his hands all over her, his lips all over her body... You deserve better than that, and you needed to know, I may have done some fucked up things in my past charisma... a long time ago... But I do know what is right, and what is wrong.. and the way that he treats you is fucking wrong.. and the way you accept it is even worse. When are you going to wake up and see this man is incapable of loving you the right way..."

"I see all of it... and it hurts, you know it does... it tears my fucking heart apart every time I hear something new that he's done... But I built a life with him...

"That is bullshit! Charisma, I'm not gonna go back to the past because you know yo self what happened but back when it did happen, he told you it would never happen again all the way through everything that he has done. He's always told you it will never happen again... fast forward to today... And here we are now just a lil while after guess what it happened again!.... Nash cares about you... I care about you... we have tried to talk to you....Yo relationship with my nephew is toxic... he will kill you one day... it's just a matter of time.... Yo battered and bruised body... you had a heart attack... the stress yo body is under with him... and you're pregnant again... something you said was done for you... Keegan gets his way again... yo body to him is just there to be used... when he needs and wants to"
He looked at her.
"I'm waiting for you to tell me when... and then I'll kill him....

"Marlon I....

"Nash and me are the straight talkers in the Taylor family

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"Nash and me are the straight talkers in the Taylor family... We don't fuck around, we will give it to you straight... Jensen and Keegan are exactly like each other....they love the power, they love to know they are in control of everything, including their women... Lena has also been manipulated her entire life by my brother... you have been manipulated and coerced yo entire life by his son... Between the two of them, they have so many kids.. I can't even count... some outside of the marriage.... Yet, you and Lena accept it..." he paused and sighed.
"Nash is coming back. It won't be long now and when he does, there is gonna be a war. Nash is gonna tear the Taylor family apart from the inside, he is going to restore order where it should've been restored years ago... You know yo self that Nash is the true leader of the Taylor Mafia, it was all his doing... Jenson just rides off the coat tails of what Nash built.... Nash is dangerous, Nash has the kind of mind that no one else can even compete with... so I know who's side I'm gonna be on..."

" he killed, Zara... How am I supposed to forgive him for that...

"Yes, he killed her... But he panicked... He got himself flustered in that situation, because she was young, she was family... And because of you, you need to understand something... you may not want to hear it but you are Nash's weakness... just you... no matter how much you wish it would go away It never will.... So I what you to imagine how unbreakable we would be the three of us together... When we expose Jensen for who he truly is and Keegan too, and we take over this shit, which is how it always should've been with Nash at the top..."
He leaned over and kissed her cheek.
"we need you Gee, you are the missing part... We have always needed you..."

She just looked at him.

"I came out to Saudi to talk to you.. to see you through another bad time... I also came out to Europe and put you on to Kaylan... to get your head right, and make sure that you weren't gonna get back with Keegan, because that was the plan... But he always manages to wrap you round his lil finger...."

"Where is Nash?."

"I can't tell anyone yet, but he will be showing his face very, very soon... and everyone needs to be prepared when he does.."


".... What the actual fuck!...."
The sandwich that one of the two soldiers that had been left behind to watch over Devin's hideout, fell into his lap. He put the key in the ignition and reversed the car back away from his spot.

He quickly picked up his cell and called Angel. "I'm on my way man...

"Boss, you don't wanna come here...

"What the fuck are you talking about....

"There are triads everywhere... and he's right in the middle of em...

"What the fuck!" Angel said. "Storm, have you managed to set eyes on her?."

"She is being moved right now.... I can see that they've got her hands tied she's being put in the back of a truck... there's two of us here we could try to fuck with them... But trust me, I'm telling you this entire place is surrounded by Triads. I have had to move out and I'm using binoculars right now to see what I can see..."

"Don't do anything...  I will need to speak to Jensen and Keegan... It looks to me like we're going to need them..."

"Yeah.. cos from what I can see and the shit that they are packing... There is going to be a fucking war..."

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