33. A bombshell

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Charisma arrived home, kicked off for heels, walked across to the sofa in the lounge and put her feet straight into Keegan's lap. He looked at her and smiled. "So how was yo evening with the rich bitches?."

"we talked about Botox, fillers

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"we talked about Botox, fillers... Ass implants, breast implants... Veneers... You name it, we talked about it.." she said with sarcasm in her voice.

"something that you naturally have, and have never needed surgery for.... because you are fucking beautiful... naturally." he said to her.

"There seem to be something brewing between Lena and Loren... I told you that Lena seems to think that Jensen is having an affair, or he's got a side bitch... Jack's wife just wouldn't let it go, she kept going at Lena, the entire time about her relationship with Jensen about him having a side bitch... It did come across like she knew something that nobody else did..."

"Praise the fucking Lord that I am not for the first time, since I can remember the topic of conversation and the one keeping secrets..." he said clasping his hands together and looking towards the ceiling.

Charisma laughed at him. no, actually it feels good that I must admit...."

"You have absolutely no worries with me, not one of those women do anything for me... The majority of them are golddiggers, they've never worked a day in their lives because they rely on their husbands for everything... They just get to sit around all day and bitch at everyone else.."

charisma nodded. "Yep, pretty much sums it up.."

"... I did however, go to visit Peyton today... and, she's upstairs sleeping right now..


"I couldn't leave her in the hold anymore Charisma, she's been down there long enough... You don't want me to do anything to her. I don't wanna do anything to her. She is our kid.. and I think she just needs to build bridges and make amends... To all the people that she's hurt...

"What about the people who died, Orion?... accused of having a child that he didn't even have with her.... she has a baby by that motherfucker, Devin... can we fully trust her?"

"these are things that we will need to see over time... I think between me and you, we can watch her like a hawk... and Devin won't be around for long.. so he isn't gonna be a problem going forward.." he paused. " a lot of it comes down to her thinking that we would just cast her and Jaxon aside... That isn't gonna happen and I think that over the next couple months she will see that nothing is changing... they're still ours, they've been ours since the day we brought them home from hospital....

Charisma nodded in agreement that much was true, and she felt as if they were her kids, she had no different feelings towards them whatsoever.
"Take me and these babies to bed Mr Fraser... carry us up the stairs.."

"You got it!." he said, scooping her up into his arms and carrying her up the stairs.


Lena was putting away her jewellery and getting undressed and finally Jensen arrived home. She heard the door close downstairs, his car keys thrown on the side. She then heard his footsteps on the stairs. But instead of coming into the main bedroom, he went into one of the spare rooms.
She had had enough of this, she walked across the landing and just opened the door on him. He had his phone in his hand as he looked at her.
"I'm busy Lena...

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