7. Sorting it

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Chloe lay in the hospital bed. She turned her head to see Charisma walking in. She didn't want to look her in the eye.

"Please don't...

"I'm not gonna lecture you on shit okay... I've been here.. I tried this a couple of times... because of that same man that you desired to treat you badly so much...

"I didn't want that Charisma

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"I didn't want that Charisma... I am sorry from the bottom of my heart for that..."

Charisma nodded. " I know you are, and now that I know what was going on. I'm also sorry that this happened to you and Payton was the reason for the decline in your mental health."

Chloe started crying. "But I've lost him... everything that I said, everything that I did... I didn't mean any of it. I love Lamar, you know that..."

"I do know that, but you know my son is a very strong character and no one can ever get one over on him or mess with his life. Lamar is a good man, he asked me to come and see you because he doesn't want to make you worse, but he also needed to check on you so that's why I'm here... He does care, more than you think.... You were together for years he's not gonna forget that... Chloe, you were always somebody that I respected, someone I was happy to have in my family... but you have to build his trust again..." she sighed. "I heard that you lost your business.. your salon?.."

She nodded. "Yeah..." she said quietly.

"Well, how about I give you the capital to buy again and once you're up and running you pay me back... I can also put a lot of business through you and get you back to where you were before all of this bullshit began... I also know you're having trouble with your family, and who your real father is... Take it from someone who knows, don't let it define you, you're here, you're fine you have two amazing kids who look up to you... fuck the past look to the future okay.."
she squeezed her hand.
"You're stronger than this... and you will bounce back..."

"Thank you... I know that I don't deserve that from you after what I put you through... I don't wish that violence on anyone I'm so sorry I know what you went through charisma and I should never have even said the things that I said or...

"Chloe it is okay, you were under the influence you had no idea what was happening to you. You just became addicted to them.... But I just want you to get better for the kids sake.." she told her and gave her a smile.
"Our babies need their mothers in their lives.."
she turned and left.

Charisma got outside and she called Lamar. "How is she mom?.." he said almost jumping down the phone with her

" he said almost jumping down the phone with her

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