Earth in its glory

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"I won!" Ava said throwing her arms in air

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"I won!" Ava said throwing her arms in air.

"Okay, where is justice here!" Octavia exclaimed.

"Don't worry, maybe one day you'll catch up with me. You know, it takes strength to be this good in everything." Ava said sarcastically as Octavia laughed out loud as she laid on a

"What is your dream Aves?" Blue-eyed girl asked suddenly while watching the ceiling.

"Oh, I have many." Ava replied as she laid beside her.

"Tell me one."

"Okay, for starters, I want the guards to come in and tell us. "Hey, you both are free because it's not your fault that you were born, go and live your life however the hell you want." Ava said as two guard entered the cell.

"Prisoner 255 and 256, face the wall."
His words made girls stand up abruptly and look at each other with shock.

"What were you saying?" Octavia said sarcastically to her best friend.

"I said face the wall!" A guard shouted this time, making two girl turn to the wall immediately.

"Is something wrong?" Ava asked, desperately needing an answer.

"Hold out your right arm." The man said to Octavia as the girl jumped back.

"What is this? No! Get off!" She yelled.

"Don't fucking touch her!" Ava snapped as she was taken aback by the other guard.

"Don't make this difficult or you will be killed right now!" He ordered as both girls obeyed.
They were forcefully dragged into a drop ship, none of them having any idea what the hell it was all about.

Ava was sat next to the boy with green eyes. He looked familiar but girl couldn't remember from where she knew him.

"Do you know what's going on?" She asked.

"Do I look like someone they would trust with that information?" The boy asked back sarcastically. "I'm Murphy." He replied as he saw annoyed look on girl's face.

"Ava." Brunette responded as lights started to flicker. It felt like the drop ship was falling. Ava held her heart in her hands, trying not to lose composure. They were gonna die. That was it. Everyone was gonna die and she couldn't even say goodbye to her own brother. Thanks Jaha.

"Shit!" Boy grunted as the falling stopped making Ava's heart pound little less.

"I think I know you." She said remembering the boy from class. "No offense but you're kind of an asshole."

"One and only!" Murphy smirked as Jaha's voice filled the room.

Speaking of the devil.

"Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance. And as your chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you but chance for all of us indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If odds of survival were better we would have sent others. Frankly, we're sending you, because your crime have made you expendable. If however you survive..."

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