Falling in love

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Ava was walking through the forest, her every step being calculated

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Ava was walking through the forest, her every step being calculated.

She was lightly tapping her foot on the grass, well knowing that freckled boy was following her not so quietly.

Girl stepped behind the tree, the trunk hiding her whole body. She reached for the strong branch, lifting her body up to sit on the huge limb of the tree.

She looked down, watching Bellamy look around the forest, trying to find the brunette girl.

Finally, he stopped at the very same tree Ava was comfortably perched on.

Girl jumped in one swift movement, landing in front of Bellamy as he stepped back, not expecting the girl to appear from the sky.

"What's with Collins sibling and jumping from sky?" He uttered as Ava smiled softly.

"Why were you following me?"

"Grounders might be here and you are walking through the forest like nothing happened."

"Well, two day has passed and they are nowhere to be seen." Ava defended.

"How do you know they won't appear now?" Bellamy asked with a smug look on his face. Ava didn't oppose, knowing he was right. So instead, she took his arm leading him through the forest.

"I have to show you something." She beamed as boy silently followed.

Shock flooded his eyes the the pair came to the abrupt stop.

"Wow." He mumbled as he saw the beautiful view in front of him.

It was a small lake, green trees protecting it from human's eyes. The blue water was reflecting Ava's face as she kneeled down, beckoning Bellamy to kneel beside her.

"I found it yesterday. I was checking the perimeter when I ended up here." She explained.

"Didn't know places like this existed anymore." Bellamy said, bewitched by the fascinating scenery as Ava smiled.

"I really wanted to jump in but the last time someone decided to go for a swim, she ended up almost being devoured by a see monster." Ava revealed as Bellamy chuckled softly.

"I don't think place like this can be full of see monsters."

"Yeah. It's so beautiful, isn't it?" Girl asked as Bellamy looked at her.

"The most beautiful creation I've ever seen." He responded, looking at the mesmerizing girl in awe.

No lake could come close to her beauty.

Her big, brown eyes sparked under the sun.

Her lips that curved up in a genuine smile could never fail to make Bellamy's heart lurch.

She was the sea, calm but so deep.

Bellamy was never good with words. He never once had the urge to write something about someone but at this moment he would write millions of poems about Ava's beauty.

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