The sickness that destroys

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Ava was walking in the ruins, ship peaces scattered all over the surface

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Ava was walking in the ruins, ship peaces scattered all over the surface. Burnt ground scrunching under her feet. Her line of sight stopped at the skeleton as she felt her heart stopping for a second.

Everybody who was in there probably died with a horrible death and for the first time she was thankful that she didn't have anyone to care for or anyone who cared about her in the ark.

"Stay sharp." Bellamy warned. The group, making Ava return to the real world, world of chaos. "Grounder retaliation for what happened on the bridge is coming. Just a matter of when."

"Can you blame them?" Finn asked rhetorically.

"No, I blame you." Bellamys shot back.

"Right, blame everyone but yourself. Bellamy behavior." Ava snapped as Bellamy glared at her. It wasn't like they were on a bad terms but their differences made it hard to talk to each other in peace, without having an argument.

"Maybe if you didn't bring guns..." Finn started as Raven cut him off.

"If we didn't bring guns we all would've been killed."

"Oh, trust me, we're gonna be killed because your egos are too big to understand that sometimes you're fucking wrong." Ava barked but only person who agreed with her was her brother.

"They're coming to kill us because you couldn't keep those guns to yourselves."

"Why they're coming doesn't matter anymore. It's our job to be ready when they do. We're on our own now." Bellamy concluded.

"At least I agree with that." Ava nodded as she heard Raven shouting.

"Clarke, stop!" She ran towards blonde, Finn, Bellamy and Ava following her.

"Rocket fuel?" Clarke asked about the liquid that was licking from the scrap.

"Hydrazine. Highly unstable in its non-solid form. If this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist." Raven explained as she crouched down, taking a rock and putting a tip of it in the liquid. "Fire in the hole!" She screamed, throwing the rock in the nearby fire as it exploded. "We need to clear the area." Mechanic instructed.

"Okay, then. We move in formation, no straggling, weapons hot. We got to get back before dark." Bellamy ordered as everybody started walking towards the camp.


As soon as the group went in the camp, they were informed that Murphy was back. Ava stormed to drop ship, others following her but she was the only one who was actually happy he came back. It meant he wasn't dead.

"Where is he?" Bellamy asked as Ava quickly found the boy and crouched down next to him. He was covered in blood, her skin torn apart. Ava didn't dare to touch him, not wanting to hurt the boy even more. "Everyone but Connor and Derek out. Now!" Bellamy ordered.

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