The impossible Choices

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Ava was sat against the tree, looking up at the stars and the moon

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Ava was sat against the tree, looking up at the stars and the moon. It was definitely prettier from here. She saw it only one time from the ark and it was magnificent. Closer. But seeing the moon from the earth gave her hope. Not today, tho. But most of the time.

"Pretty, isn't it?" Bellamy asked, sitting beside the girl.

"Not anymore..." Ava said, her voice full of sadness. "The first night I watched it from down here... It was marvelous. Now, I watch it and... I can't see its beauty anymore. Sadness and death kills it all."

"I'm sorry... for Wells... for Charlotte... even for Murphy." Bellamy said softly.

"Are you?" Ava snapped.

"Of course I am."

"I mean Murphy."

"Do you blame me?"

"Not exactly... I just know you did it out of revenge."

"Here you are. Protecting him again."

"I'm not protecting him. Not even for a second. What he did..." she mumbled. "I'm sorry for Charlotte... I know she meant a lot to you." She said regretting being mean to the grieving boy.

"Yes, she did and Murphy is a reason she is dead. So I'm sorry if I want him dead."

"That hatred will ruin you Bellamy. It will consume your whole body until it won't be the last thing that remains."

"Yeah, right." Bellamy chuckled. "And what do you know about that?"

"More than you can imagine." Ava replied as a sudden burning sensation assaulted her wrist. She flinched, watching as her wristband all but launched itself from her wrist and onto the forest floor.

Bellamy and Ava shared confused expressions, while he remained, Ava took off toward the Dropship in search of answers.

"What happened?" Ava panted, as she entered the ship where only Octavia, Monty and Jasper now stood.

Monty shook his head as he turned to look at Ava, "The bracelets are fried."

"What does that mean?" Ava asked, not too sure on the whole technology thing.

"It means we're stranded down here, with no way to reach the Ark." Jasper piped in from the other side of the room where he sat slumped up against the wall, Octavia beside him.

"So what are we supposed to do now?" Ava asked, a bubble of panic forming inside of her.

"We wait...and hope for the best." Monty replied.

"Great!" Ava said getting out of the tent.
She knew exactly what she could to to forget her misery.


Now that she didn't have a sword, she had to settle for her throwing knives. She approached her tree and started throwing knives with as much force as she got. Each of them hitting the target.

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