Fight for what you love

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Raven's screams of agony filled the camp as Clarke put the hot knife on her wound

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Raven's screams of agony filled the camp as Clarke put the hot knife on her wound.

"That should stop the external bleeding." She explained.

"I don't understand. How did Murphy get a gun?" Finn asked in confusion.

"Long story." Bellamy answered.

"Would gladly tell you but I am afraid we have more important topics to discuss." Ava uttered.

"We got lucky." Raven spoke silently.

"I wouldn't call this lucky." Ava opposed as Raven starter explaining.

"If Murphy hit the fuel tank instead of me, we'd all be dead."

"Wait, there's rocket fuel down there? Enough to build the bomb?" Clarke questioned, obviously coming up with the genius idea.

"Enough to build a hundred bombs, if we had any gunpowder left." Raven answered.

"There is nowhere we can get that gunpowder?" Ava furrowed her brows as Raven shrugged.

"Let's get back to the Reapers. Maybe they'll help us. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend," right?" Bellamy noted.

"Not this enemy. We saw them. Trust me... that's not an option." Clarke interjected.

"There's no time for this. Can she walk or not?" Finn interrupted.

"No." Blonde responded. "We have to carry her."

"The hell you will. I'm good to go." Raven tried to stand up but Ava quickly put her back in the place.

"You're not going anywhere."

"But..." Raven started but was soon cut off by Clarke.

"Hey! Listen to me. That bullet is still inside you. If by some miracle there's no internal bleeding, it might hold until we get somewhere safe. But you are not walking there. Is that clear?"

At Clarke's demand Raven slowly nodded. "Yeah." She mumbled.

"I'll get the stretcher." Finn stated as he went to leave the room but was stopped with Bellamy's words.

"Can't run away fast enough, huh? Real brave."

"Dying in a fight you can't win isn't brave, Bellamy. It's stupid." Finn bit back.

"Spoken like every coward who's ever run from a fight." Bellamy hissed.

"All right, that's enough!" Clarke snapped.

"Stop acting like idiots! Both of you!" Ava shouted. "We aren't each other's enemy! Our real enemy is outside, ready to strike. We are in the middle of the war and have two choices. But we won't have those choices if you won't stop bickering."

"It's time to go." Clarke whispered.

"If they follow, it's a 120-mile walk to the ocean." Bellamy declared.

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