The chaos

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It's crazy how a normal night can become your final one

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It's crazy how a normal night can become your final one.


That's the word Ava always feared.
Because it means something ended.

And the end is never good.

Well, it's good if it's end of the war but end of the war is always start of the peace.

When something ends another thing starts.

But what happens when your life is
something that stops?

What start can it have?

The answer simply doesn't exist.
Cause death is the only thing that has only the end. Never the start.

Well's was dead now.

The worst thing was he didn't just die in sleep.

He was murdered.

That made the wires in Ava's head work dangerously fast and by that I mean terrible overthinking.

The realization that nothing can shield or protect you.

One calculated move and that's it.

You're done.

Ava was awoken with the news early in the morning. She couldn't believe it. He had been stabbed right outside of the

makeshift wall delinquents begun building and Murphy and Bellamy had used his death as a way to scare the other kids into working harder.

They were building up a wall that would hopefully keep something like this from happening again. If they could keep the Grounders out, maybe they could stay safe.

Ava did her best to keep herself busy. She was doing something she was best in. Making weapons for delinquents. She could see that everyday her crafting was better and better.

Making those stupid weapons actually helped her relax and not think about the lethal consequences of landing on earth.

Heaven or hell?

Definitely hell.

Her zoned in groove was interrupted when Connor, one of the boys in camp, fell to the ground in exhaustion, gathering the attention of those closest.

"Hey!" Murphy yelled, making his way toward the boy. "You think the Grounders are just going to sit around and wait for us to finish the wall? Maybe we should let a girl do the lifting for you huh?" he asked, motioning towards Charlotte.

"Hey, what's your problem?" Ava said approaching two boys.

Connor let out a cough. "I just need some water, okay? Then I'll be fine."

"Murphy," Bellamy beckoned, approaching the scene, "Get this guy some water."
Murphy scowled at Connor before walking off. Ava rolled her eyes as she watched him go. "Did he sleep on the wrong side of bad or what?" She muttered.

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