coward and hero

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Ava stepped into the camp after a couple of hours of walking aimlessly

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Ava stepped into the camp after a couple of hours of walking aimlessly. She was exhausted, her legs were about to give in when Raven stepped in the view.

She ran to Ava, clasping her in her arms. "You are late." She whispered.

"I'm going back in the morning."

"Bellamy forbade anyone to live the camp."

"I don't care what Bellamy did, I will take everyone who will decide to come and help look for our people! Finn and Clarke are missing! I don't know about Bellamy but I won't leave them."

"Ava... they're not the only ones missing anymore."


"Monty is too."

That was the last straw for Ava, she went in the center of the camp, trying to get everybody's attention.

"Clarke, Monty and Finn are missing!" She screamed. "I am leaving to find them at the first light! I don't care what Bellamy told you, I am asking you all to come help me find them, because we don't leave our people behind!"

"Nobody leaves the camp!" Bellamy shouted, approaching Ava.

"Yeah, right."

"Ava, it's not safe."

"I'm not leaving them." Ava deadpanned and then looked around the crowd. "And neither are you! We are leaving in few hours." She demanded as she started walking to the tent as Raven stopped her.



"I need to talk to you."



"What about him?"

"I wanted to apologize. Ava, I didn't know that the girl he was talking about was you. If I had known..." Raven started to explain when Ava stopped her.

"What girl?" Ava asked confused but Raven just kept talking.

"I was so blinded with Finn that I couldn't even see what was going between you two. How you look at each other... I was a fool for not seeing anything before but..."

"Raven, nothing is going between the two of us..." Ava said as Raven tilted her head.

"I'm sorry for standing between your relationship. I just don't want to be the reason of your..."

"Raven... nothing is your fault, okay? Stop blaming yourself for everything. Bellamy made his choice. And I made mine. It doesn't matter what I feel... we aren't meant to be." Ava said sadly as Raven shook her head.

"He told me he was in love with you."


"He thought you didn't love him back... I think he was wrong." Raven revealed.

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