The rebel queen

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Ava's legs hurt

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Ava's legs hurt.

Her heart hurts.

Her head hurts.

Everything aches as she's dragging herself in the forest, knowing they won't survive out here for long.

They run before Monty won't fall on the ground, Octavia, Finn and Ava trying to help him. Ava's body goes numb when she sees the skeleton on the ground, bones buried in moss.

"Who are they?" Finn mumbled as Clarke took the skull that definitely didn't look like a human.

"What are they?"

"We're so screwed." Octavia vocalized what others were thinking as a loud scream echoed the trees.

"Jasper he's alive." Clarke said her and Ava running to the voice.

"Ava, Clarke, wait. Wait!" Finn called out but two girls were determined to save the boy who deserved everything but dying with a spear through the heart on his second day on earth. He was supposed to make it. He would make it.

"Wait. Stay out of the trees." Finn called as the group came to the stop. "He was right there." Confusion flooded his eyes as Ava was looking at the dropped sign.

"No. Where is he?" Monty asked looking around.

"Do you think he escaped?" Ava asked hopefully when Clarke shook her head.

"They took him."


The second the group returned to the drop ship they were met by a terrible picture.
Well's knife was held against Murphy's throat.

"Drop it!" Well's screamed.

"Wells!" Clarke shouted making her way to the boy. "Let him go!"

Wells let go of Murphy, shoving him. It definitely touched his pride because he was now ready to beat the shit out of the boy, Bellamy the hero stopping him.

"Hey! Enough, Murphy." He ordered when he saw his sister being dragged by Ava and Monty.

"Octavia. Are you all right?" He asked taking her body from the pair.

"Yeah." The girl mumbled.

"Where's the food?" Bellamy questioned.

"There is none." Ava answered.

"We didn't make it to Mount Weather."Finn explained.

"What the hell happened out there?"

"I'm more interested in what the hell happened here." Ava snapped looking at the chaos older boy made.

"Why won't you simply answer the question?" Bellamy shot back as Ava glared at him.

"We were attacked." Clarke answered instead.

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