The realization

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Jasper's screams that cut through the night sky still echoed through Ava's ears as she exited the Dropship in search of food

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Jasper's screams that cut through the night sky still echoed through Ava's ears as she exited the Dropship in search of food. It had taken them less than ten minutes to have Jasper fully cleaned up, but his screams of agony didn't stop there.

Ava made her way to fire, where Bellamy and Murphy had cooked the animal Wells killed earlier. 

The sight made her jaw drop in shock. Bellamy and Murphy were forcing people to take off their wristbands in exchange for food.

"What the hell are you doing?" She approached the two.

"What does it look like sunshine?" Bellamy answered teasingly.

"You call this justice? Making people do what you want? How can you be this selfish?" She snapped not believing her eyes.

"You have to take that off, or you're not gonna get any food!" Murphy demanded getting a glare from the girl.

"Like hell I will!"

"Stop acting like you have someone up there." Bellamy challenged.

"That's what I mean when I'm saying you're a selfish prick. I might not have anybody on ark but they do! They have loved ones. What would you feel if Octavia was up there, huh?" She asked, her voice full of anger as Finn approached them.

"Whoa. Wait, wait." Murphy said as boy took meat. "What, you think you play by different rules?"

"I thought they were no rules." He replied giving his sister one of the sticks of meat.
Smiled creeped onto her face as she looked at Bellamy. He looked around, knowing his plan was crumbling before his very feet.

"You can't control everyone." Ava said with a smirk as she made her way to the dropship, her friend waiting there with news.

"Why are you smiling?" Ava asked the girl.

"No reason." She said still smiling.

"Spill it."

"Guess." Octavia teased.

"Octavia, I swear to God..."

"Okay, okay..."Octavia surrendered. "You know Atom?

"Your babysitter?" Ava teased.

"Shut up!" Blue-eyed girl nudged her.

"What about him?"

"We... you know... kind of... kissed... and.."

"No way! No fucking way! That's the real karma. I want to see Bellamy's face when he finds out."

"He won't!" Octavia said her voice laced with worry.

"Okay, okay, tell me everything!"

"Later. I have to meet him now."

"Oh my God! What are you waiting for? Go to your Romeo, Juliet!" She teased.

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