Fight for peace

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"My friends, this is an historic Unity Day

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"My friends, this is an historic Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment out ancestors of the 12 stations joined from the Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her." Jaha's annoying voice filled the camp. "Next year... on the ground."

"Right. After we did all the work. Someone shut him up." Miller commented.

"You shut up, Miller. No one's forcing you to watch." Raven snapped.

"You're right. I'm out of here. Can't listen to his robotic voice anymore." Ava muttered, smiling to Miller as she walked away from the group.

"Whoo! Yeah!" Jasper exclaimed, getting out of the tent with a huge barrel of alcohol. "Monty strikes again! Hey! Call this batch Unity Juice! Who's thirsty?"

Ava took two glasses, approaching boy with a big smile. "Monty knows what he's doing, huh?" She said as Jasper poured the liquid in her glasses.

Ava gave one glass to Finn, him taking it reluctantly.

"Cheers!" Girl exclaimed as she saw what Finn was looking at. Octavia was going out and Ava knew exactly where. She told everything about a grounder to Ava and she would take that secret to a fucking grave. "Hey, we're gonna get shitfaced today." Ava snapped, wanting to divert Finn's attention as the boy smiled softly.

"Since when are you a drinker?"

"Since today!" Ava said with a lopsided grin as two sibling drank the liquid, it burning their throats slightly as Jaha's voice kept filling the camp.


"Monty, you are a fucking genius." Ava said as she took another swig of the alcohol. "Need another." She gave a glass to monty but he shook his head.

"I think it's enough for you."

"No!" Ava said with a cry. "Don't be a party-pooper Monty. Please." He pleaded as she got closer to the boy. "Pleease."
Monty rolled her eyes as he poured moonshine in the cup.

"Thanks, Monty." Ava smiled as she kissed boy's cheek, making him blush as Bellamy's voice was heard from behind.

"Having fun?"

"Freckles!" Ava exclaimed as she gave a cup to Bellamy. "All thee of us are gonna drink together now. Come on." She instructed as Bellamy rolled her eyes.

"God, you are as drunk as a skunk."

"Yes, I am." Ava responded as Jasper called Monty.

"Duty calls." He said getting away from the pair as Ava brought the cup to her lips, Bellamy taking it before she could drink.

"Hey, that's mine." Ava complained.

"I think you've had enough today." Bellamy responded.

"Since when are you my mom?" Ava asked sarcastically.

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