Losses and gains

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When Ava opened her eyes it was daylight

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When Ava opened her eyes it was daylight.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Bellamy mumbled causing Charlotte to let out a giggle next to him.

"You think you are hilarious, don't you?"

"Charlotte thinks I'm funny. Don't you charlotte?" Ava asked waiting for girl's support.

"She's just being nice." Ava smiled, winking at the girl. Bellamy smirked at her as he stood up, putting on his jacket and walking to the entrance of the cave. "I'll make sure it safe out there so you two can come out."

"Sure captain." Ava said sarcastically.

Yawning, she pulled herself to her feet, examining the blisters on her arm. It wasn't pretty.

"Does it still hurt?" Charlotte asked, her eyes locked on the wound.

Ava nodded as she put on a jacket. "Not much tho... don't worry. It's gonna heal in no time."
Charlotte looked slightly concerned as two girls watched Bellamy advance toward the exit of the cave. Ava kept Charlotte close to her, both of them looking at Bellamy with worried expression.

When he didn't fall to the ground in pain, Ava could finally breathe.

"It's all clear." He said with a small nod.
Ava pulled Charlotte with her, following Bellamy out of the cave and back into the open. Everything looked untouched, as if a vicious cloud of fog hadn't terrorized the forest for the past few hours.

Bellamy glanced around. "Anybody out here!?" He called, " Jones!"

"Over here!" Someone called from deeper in the forest. Bellamy motioned for Charlotte and Ava to follow him toward the voice.

"Lost you in the stew. Where'd you go?" He asked as they approached a group of three other kids from camp.

"Made it to a cave down there." Jones explained. "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know." Bellamy admitted. He then paused, looking at the three faces in front.

"Where's Atom?"

Jones' face fell as he looked between Bellamy and Ava "Last I saw he was with Ava. What happened?"

Pushing the lump down in her throat, Ava exclaimed "Shit! I thought..." she mumbled. "We have to look for him. Let just split up."
No one argued, and within seconds they had spread out across the area that Ava had last seen Atom. It was difficult to tell exactly where that had been due to the thickness of the fog, but they were doing their best.

Ava was looking around the forest alongside Bellamy when Charlotte's shrill scream caused them to startle, sharing nervous looks before they took off toward the sound.

They rounded a tree, reaching the spot where
Charlotte was standing. She was staring down at something.

Ava's heart broke into peaces as she saw what the girl was looking at.

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