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Hey, I'm new to actually publishing books, so please bare with me. I will update the chapters each time a new chapter comes out and hopefully not get distracted from this book. Enjoy!



Y/N - Your Name

F/F - Favorite Food

F/D - Favorite Drink

Y/B/F -  Your Best Friend

Y/E - Your Ex

S/N - Sisters Name

M/N - Moms name

D/N - Dads name

P/N - Pet name

N/N - Nickname


Chapter one; A Mistake

Chapter two; Heavenly stares

Chapter three; Valentino and Velvet

Chapter Four; A... Regretful? night

Chapter Five; Argument

 Chapter Six; Adam and Lute

Chapter Seven; Surprised


Chapter Eight; Announcement

Chapter Nine; Angelic Court

Chapter Ten; Fight

Chapter Eleven; Weddings and Desires

Chapter Twelve; Aftermath

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