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"Wait, wait, so let me get this straight... You involved a giant group of CANNIBALS?" Y/N motioned to the rally of cannibals outside the hotel, Charlie gave her a guilty look, "They really wanted to help after I got Susan on board," "WHOS SUSAN?!" Y/N asked, confused as hell, she then shook her head, "I actually don't wanna know" She sighed then went outside, standing by Alastor, "You seem worried, don't be, you know those nasty angels can't harm you" Alastor said, which was weirdly comforting, "Oh... Thanks Alastor," she smiled up at him.

They watched as the portal opened up, about two hundred exterminators raining down on them, "Come at me you slimy sons of bitches!" Y/N yelled, stabbing through multiple of them with a random street pole, she watched as Charlie sent Alastor up to fight with Adam, then went to assist him, "I wanna help" she said, landing beside Alastor, Adam let out a loud, condescending laugh, "yeah, right, you were the weakest exterminator angel ever when you were in heaven" Alastor narrowed his eyes, then sent out multiple different attacks, "assist Charlie, N/N, I'll deal with this filth," Alastor growled, Y/N sighed, but complied and flew down again. 

Something happened, Adam was attacking again, "I thought Alastor was-" Y/N cut herself off and looked at Charlie, panicked, "that could only mean.." Y/N panicked even more, "no- he cant be.." she looked up at Adam, then watched Sir Pentious' warship dislodge from the hotel, "that crazy motherfucker..." Angel whispered, watching the ship move toward Adam, just as It was gonna shoot, Adam blasted it with angelic light, "phew... that could have been bad" Adam said, Y/N let out a small yell of grief, Charlie collapsing. She watched Dazzle go down, "No.." She ran towards where she saw the dragon fall, only to be tackled by a different exterminator angel, "Get off me you- PEST!" she stabbed through its torso, but hearing Charlie yell, she flew to the roof, watching as Lucifer punched Adam, she winced.

"Okay... How many of you freaks do I have to fight?" Adam asked, crawling up to the roof, "Oh, I'm the only one that matters, see you messed with my daughter and now I am going to FUCK YOU!" Lucifer growled, Y/N snorted, Adam was terrified, Lute and Vaggie looked disgusted, Angel cocked an eyebrow. 

"Well this just got interesting" Val smirked, sipping his tea, Vox looked disgusted and shocked and Velvette was also smirking.

"It's fuck you UP, dad..." Charlie whispered to Lucifer, "Wait what'd I sa-" he was cut off by Adam tackling him into the air, a bit of taunting went on, "You're the most hated being in creation!" Adam yelled, glaring at Lucifer, "Well, your first wife didn't seem to hate what I had to offer.. or the second, Bow chika bow bow" Lucifer made a humping motion with his hips and arms, and Adam got even more pissed. 

They now all looked down at Adam in the crater that he had created when he landed, "how's mercy feel, you little bitch?" Lucifer asked tauntingly, "no, no! you don't get to end this!" Adam yelled, "I'm fucking ADAM, all things stemmed from these nuts!" he continues, "You're all just a bunch of little cunty lose-" he got cut off, a knife impaling him, "you uh, got something stickin out of your thing there" Lucifer said, pointing at his stomach, Y/N laughed, and Charlie elbowed her. Adam fell to reveal Nifty, "Nifty?!" Charlie said, looking at the maid, who looked down at Adam and started stabbing him repeatedly, "DIE DIE DIE! AHAHAHHAHA!" Nifty laughed maniacally, then ran off.

"Hoolyy shit" Vox said, smiling. Val looked traumatized and so did Velvette.

(Timeskip after lute retreated, Alastors breakdown, rebuilding the hotel, and lilith's reveal)

"N/N!" Vox called, scooping her up, "did you see me?" Y/N laughed, kissing Vox's cheek again, Vox chuckled, "sure did... I was not expecting the little maid to kill Adam though" He said, returning the kiss to the cheek with a kiss to the forehead, "At least we know she follows orders" she laughed, Vox set her down on her feet again, "Hows Velle and Val?" She asked, holding his hand as they walked to his limo, "doing good, Val is still traumatized that he narrowly escaped Nifty though" He chuckled, opening the door for her, she sat by Val and him, "glad Angel stopped you now, huh?" Y/N laughed, "shut up, Chicita" he huffed. 

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