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one of my favorite viewers said that they thought this was gonna happen (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE), anyways, thx for guessing Safiyyah <3 



Y/N and the others were called into the parlor by Vaggie and Charlie, Charlie's face was flushed, and Vaggie looked weirdly laid back and cheerful, "Why'd you call us down  wanhere?" Angel asked, annoyed and tired-looking, "Vaggie and I have an announcement..." Charlie said, sharing a glance with Vaggie, then they both held their hands up, revealing the shiny engagement rings, Y/N squealed excitedly, "Oh my gods!" she hugged them both, "congratulations!" Alastor as always was smiling, but this time it was more like he was happy? Y/N didn't know he could actually have feelings, "So, when are you planning on getting married?" Angel asked, typing on his phone, "sometime in October, why?" Vaggie looked suspicious, "I just wanted to know cuz- cuz i wanted to know when not to be here" Angel clearly didn't wanna admit that he cared about them, "Awwwe angie" Y/N laughed, hugging him, earning a small smile from the spider demon. 

Weeks passed, now Charlie was pacing in the parlor, waiting for her father to appear (DUCKMAN!!!) Y/N, Angel, and Husk all watched, she was clearly worried, "Hey, Charlie, come on, you know he likes Vaggie." Y/N said, smiling softly, it had been a few weeks after sir pentious showed up and they were still getting ready for the trip to the angelic court, "But-" "no buts! Don't worry, besides, he'll accept her, I just know it" Y/N said, her smile widening slightly. Eventually Lucifer did show up, and he actually reacted better to the news then Y/N actually thought, "So, this is the infamous fallen angel, welcome to the club" Lucifer said, smiling at her, "Yeah... Turns out you aren't the only one Adam hates" She laughed nervously, "Soo, you got a boyfriend?" "Wha?!" "I'm just asking, i swear i'm not flirting, plus, i am technically still married" He chuckled, "Its.. complicated, we are going on a date, but I don't know if we're dating beyond that and now im stressed for Charlie and-" "woah there, P/N, slow down, I'm sure he likes you just fine, who wouldn't?" he chuckled again, cutting Y/N off.

Y/N fell asleep, they were going to court tomorrow and she wanted to be well rested for it. Besides, no matter what happened, she had Vaggie and Charlie.. What could go wrong? And then she thought back to the fact that Charlie did not know that Vaggie was a fallen angel yet, and that made her worry.. Adam would be desperate to stop the hotels efforts, and a weaker exterminator was the best option, although, Y/N knew that Vaggie would never ruin her and Charlie's relationship like that.. Would she...?


I hate having to go back to drama >:( anywayysss, juicy drama ahead (and also spoilers for the angelic court episode) so if you haven't seen the episode yet, skip the next chapter.


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