Accidents happen

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Y/N and Vox were in Y/N's hotel room, she was ranting about a coworker of Vox's, Vox sighed, irritated by her rambling, "N/N, you know I hate her as well" he said, to that Y/N shut up, hearing his angered tone and taking the hint of 'you are being annoying and I dont wanna hear it'. as the two got up and went downstairs, they saw fatnuggets and of course Y/N had to stop and pet him, then they finally went downstairs fully.

"N/N! Could you get the package that is on the table for me?" Charlie called from the Kitchen, Y/N sighed, but oblidged and took the brown box to Charlie, "What is it?" she asked, leaning on the counter, "Just some decorations for the hotel" Charlie replied, opening the box. Y/N insisted on helping, used to having to help in heaven, and worked on decorating the hotel with Charlie for another four hours. She had noticed Vox leaving and gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, then she went back to decorating.

When they finished the decorating, she went to the V's tower and hung out with Velvette. "Have you seen Vox?" she asked, plopping down beside the V, "No? Why, did he leave already?" Velvette asked, cocking her head to the side, Y/N nodded, a confused expression on her face, "Where would he be? He left at three pm?" She asked, her expression full of worry, "just wait here, I'll look for him" a voice said from behind them, causing them both to jump and turn around. There stood Valentino, for once not smiling and instead looking down at them with a slight frown on his face, "Where was he last?" he asked, leaning over the couch to join their conversation, "He left the hotel and that was the last I saw of him" Y/N said, still processing the fact that Valentino of all demons was helping, "I'll search around that area, If I don't find him I'll switch to searching around here" Val said, standing and strutting out the door, Velvette and Y/N exchanged glances and then bursted out laughing, "What- what was that?!" she laughed, Velvette's laugh reduced to a giggle, "Did you see his strut?! Always gets me, even in serious situations like this" she laughed again, the two girls then turned on a movie, Y/N silently pleaing that Vox was alive and well.

Vox was still alive, barely, he had multiple wounds and he was hiding from Alastor. He had questioned him on why he was watching Y/N in her sleep, which was supposedly a bad idea because Alastor overreacted and attacked him, he heard Valentino yelling for him, "VOX GET YOUR SORRY ASS TO THE TOWER! Y/N AND VELLE ARE WORRIED AND I DON'T WANNA HEAR EM'" Valentino screamed, he was clearly pissed at him, Vox stood, running to him and booking it to the limo, "DRIVE!" he yelled at the driver, clutching his wounded side. Valentino watched Vox's every move, a shocked pikkachu look on his face, "You're bleeding" he said finally, causing Vox to let out a chuckle of spite, "No shit" he muttered sarcastically, when the limo finally stopped, Vox limped to the elevator, Valentino right behind him.

Y/N got up and ran to him, checking him over completely. Her eyes landed on his wound, and she dragged him into the bathroom, finding the first aid kit, "what happened?" She half-growled and half-asked, furiously disinfecting the wound, "I just had a disagreement with Alastor and he attacked me, it isn't a big deal" he sighed, wincing as the gash stung at the touch of the disinfectant, "What about?" she asked, wrapping his torso completely (after taking his shirts off) and tying it tightly, "Nothing that concerns you" he said, kissing the top of her head. As they walked back into the livingroom, they were met by Velvette's bombardment of questions, 'are you okay?' 'Are you hungry?' 'did you bleed alot?' 'can i touch it?' all of which Y/N answered, Vox was spacing off, seemingly thinking about something


 Vox glared at Alastor, his eyes dripping with hate, "I know you have been watching Y/N sleep" he growled, clenching his fist, Alastor tensed visibly. Alastor, the radio demon, and Y/N's second father basically, knew something that Vox did not, he knew Y/N's past, and he didn't plan on telling anyone without her permission. "Tell me why, and maybe I'll stop asking" Vox said, crossing his arms, "That is for me to know and Y/N to tell you." Alastor replied, sipping his tea, "What do you mean? She knows that you watch her sleep?" Vox questioned, his eyes narrowing, "No, and she never will" Alastor said, the noise from his radio grew, "Nor will she know when your screams are broadcast" he chuckled, and before Vox could react, Alastor had grabbed him by the throat and lifted him, the static coming from him was almost unbearable, "Dont you see, you aren't good enough for her" Alastor growled, his claw running down Vox's side, "you never will be" he threw him down, growling, "you are useless when compared to her", Vox got up and ran, he had never seen Alastor truly angry and didn't plant to.. but as he ran, he thought about what he said. Was he useless really? Was he really not good enough for her? He wanted to turn and yell that he wasn't, and that he was plenty good enough, but he didn't, his sense outruling his pride. He hid.


"Vox... Vox- VOX!" Y/N called him out of his thoughts, snapping in his face, "Oh.. Sorry I was thinking" he said, hugging her to himself, "oh, uh, it's fine?" she said, gently cuddling into his torso (Just above his wound) "Do you think I'm useless?" Vox asked, his voice breaking slightly, "what? no! of course not, why would I?" Y/N gasped, kissing his forehead gently, "Alastor said I was useless and that I wasn't good enough for you" He said, hiding in Y/N's shoulder for comfort, "You're good enough to me..." She mumbled, kissing his forehead again, "And no, you are not useless, Hell wouldn't have internet if not for you" she said, smiling brightly, "you really are an angel..." Vox chuckled, then pulled her into a quick, loving kiss.

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