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I know I'm bad at publishing, so thanks for being patient somewhat, I know y'all are likely like 'aye, I thought you were gonna make this book consistently' IM TRYINGGG, I'm currently going through family problems, health problems, and social problems, so pleasee bare with meh


Y/N stared down at the woman in front of her, her eyes blazing, "You.." M/N glared right back, "Oh, hey brat.. How's your sister?" she snickered, helping herself up, Charlie was already in protective mode the moment the word M/N left Y/N's mouth, 



M/N, S/N, and Y/N were all in the car, Y/N being five and S/N being eleven, Just as they were beggining to drive, a truck pulled out in front of them, M/N, being the angry Karen looking ass bitch she was, got OUT of the car and started shouting at the truck driver, S/N and Y/N were terrified, their eyes wide, they hugged each other, hugging each other until their mom inevitibly got arrested, the woman blaming THEM for getting arrested, saying 'I NEVER wanted you, you were BOTH mistakes!' before she was pulled into the police car and away from the siblings.. S/N and Y/N were separated, they didn't see each other again until Y/N's first year of highschool, S/N ended up taking the right to raise Y/N when she turned 18, and the two lived together after that... That was until S/N died, which inevitably caused Y/N to die of the shock (Not the actual story but that's what I put here, y'all won't get the whole story for a bit) 


"I assume that she's just fine, oh wait" M/N snickered, Y/N glared steadily at the woman in front of her, Charlie and Vaggie exchanged a look, then Vaggie got in the limo.. likely to tell Lucifer to wait a second before he got involved. "You were nothing more then a waste of space" M/N growled, crossing her arms, "You don't even deserve to have seen heaven." the woman smirked, examining her nails, "it's not my fault you were such a deadbeat mom, mother." Y/N said, her eyes narrowing and her wings puffing up, "Is that so? Me and S/N were just fine without you." "I don't see how you being a whore is MY fault, Mother" Y/N snapped, M/N's smirk dropped, and she nodded, looking away, before lunging at Y/N. The Limo door swung open, Lucifer catching M/N before she could do any harm to Y/N, at the sight of the KING OF HELL himself, M/N let out a startled squeak and fled the scene.. "...It's clear that we can come back later, I'll tell Bel that we aren't able to come by today" Lucifer murmured, then held open the limo door for Y/N, Charlie, and Vaggie. 


Vox sat in his office, staring down at the busy streets below the triple V building, then he pressed a button, bringing up the camera footage of the entire pentagon, which includes Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Envy, and Sloth, his eyes scan the screens, landing on sloth, his eyes narrowing as he saw the footage of Y/N confronting her mother, he pressed another button, his secretary scrambling into his office, "y-you called me, sir..?" he stammered, keeping his head low, "I need you to hire those imps... the ones that wanted to help deal with our little problems... I have a problem that just may need.. help" Vox muttered, his tone dark, his mug shattered at the amount of grip he had on it, "tell them to bring me M/N L/N." he slammed whatever remained of the mug on the table, "and clean this mess up." and with that he turned and left, not another word being said, the only sound was his secretary sweeping up the glass and scrambling to call up the imps Vox requested.


Y/N collapsed on her bed, groaning, then her Vone dinged, she grumbled, then shot up at the text on her phone


Vox <3 -

Vox<3: Look out the window


Y/N opened the window, squeaking as she was met by Vox and Velvette, "what are you doing here this late?" she asked, pulling them inside, "Vox saw what happened in sloth and-""Wait, I thought you guys couldn't travel?" She murmured, tilting her head, "Oh, Vox has access to every TV or Vone in the area, or even in other rings of the pentagram, he just cant travel through those ones like the ones here, so yes, he hacked into each rings security cameras and-" "Alright, Velle, she understood the first few lines" Vox sighed, then pulled Y/N into a hug, "You don't have to worry about your mom, baby.." he murmured softly, Y/N hummed at that, "she can't leave sloth anyway..." she murmured, then kissed his cheek, or screen. Vox smirked, making sure she couldn't see the sinister look in his eyes, "your right, my dear, she can't.. and she never will


I'm genuinely scared for Vox's sanity right now ;-;

Also, Im really sorry I prolonged this, I have been going through family issues lately

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