taking a break.. Angst chapter

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HEYYY GIRLIES/NON BINARIES/ BOYS/ OTHERS, I get that I'm probably getting annoying with how little I'm posting chapters ;-; I'm SO FREAKING SORRY I SWEAR ILL TRY TO GET BETTER ABOUT IT


Y/N sat in her room at the hotel, Vox had called her earlier that day, he'd asked her to come over and she said yes, but when she got there there was a couple of girls there, normally Y/N wouldn't be the jealous type, it was just the way that the girls were hanging onto Vox that got to her, and that's just the problem.. they were grabbing onto his arms and he seemed to not notice that she'd walked in, normally he'd notice straight away when anyone walked through the doors of the studio, but his fangirls had his undivided attention when she had walked through the doors, so she left without saying anything. 

An hour passed, she missed at least 15 calls from Vox, 12 calls from Vellevet, 6 calls from Valentino, even the people that were likely just calling to check in with her or see how she was doing, which was Fizarolli, Ozzie, Blitz (couldn't do the crossed out 'O' so I spelled it how it was said), Bee, and, shockingly, Alastor (he had called on an old timey phone). There were 23 missed calls from Fizzy, 10 missed calls from Ozzie, 32 missed calls from Blitz, 56 missed calls from Bee, and 1 missed call from Alastor. Y/N was perched on the window sill right outside her room, the rain (I know it doesnt rain in hell, Charlie made sure to have a sort of rain dome built for her outside her little room apartment thingy) cascading down around her, slightly soaking her wings and hair and clothes. She didn't hear Vox come in, nor did she care when he sat down by her. 

"Why didn't you show up?" he asked, looking over at her, Y/N stared ahead, "I did, but you were busy with your little fangirls." she murmured, continuing to stare at the rain, "you could've said something-""if I did, would you even notice?" she asked, suddenly looking at him, "I mean, you always check the cameras or if youre in the lobby you look to see who walks in, but they had your FULL attention the entire time." she muttered, her eyes full of a mix of anxiety, insecurity, and anger. Vox stammered, trying to explain, but he eventually just sighed, "listen, Y/N, they aren't important just some chicks who needed favors and-" "what favors?" Y/N cut in again, Vox sighed again, "alright, fine, we fucked, you don't come over often and I got bored, happy?" he snapped, his tone sharp, his intense stare only faltering when he saw the look of pain, betrayal, and heartbreak on Y/N's face, "you what?"

"Y/N please I didn't think-" "NO! you clearly didnt!" Charlie rushed in, hearing the commotion from outside, "whats going on?!" she panted, looking between the couple, "Vox cheated on me." Charlie froze, then looked at Vox, "He.. WHAT?!" her voice turned slightly demonic, "hey now wait-" "GET OUT!" Charlie cut him off, her tone sharp, Vaggie barged in next, hearing the whole thing, she grabbed Vox by the collar and dragged him off. Y/N collapsed onto her bed, finally just breaking, she knew shed been distant but he should've at least told her how he felt before he went off and did something like that, especially on a day that he knew she would be coming over. Charlie hugged her, then a familiar static filled the air and Alaster appeared, taking Y/N from Charlie in a very out of character hug, actually, a very very very very very very very- okay you get the point.. Y/N fell asleep sobbing into Alastors chest, he had to wash his coat five different times to ensure that the tear germs were off of his beloved coat.

~ Meanwhile with the Vees.. ~

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Val shouted, slamming his hands on the table, "listen I get that I fucked up-"FUCKED UP IS A FUCKING UNDERSTATEMENT, DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING PISSED ALASTOR IS GOING TO BE?!" Val cut him off, "I GET IT, FOR FUCKS SAKE WOULD EVERYONE STOP TALKING OVER ME!" Vox yelled, standing up and storming off to his office, Velle shared a look with Vox and dialed Y/N, only to be met with Angel picking up for her, "whatd'ya want, Vellevet?" the porn demon was heard over the phone, "I need to speak with Y/N" Velle sighed, "shes asleep, call later." and with that the call was over.

Damn, Vox royally fucked this one up.



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