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Angstttt im so sorryyy O^O



Y/N was in worse trouble then she originally thought, and so was Angel, Vox, Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor now sat in front of them, in that order because Alastor and Vox absolutely refused to sit by each other. Angel was scolded for a while, then sent back to his room, then Alastor and Charlie left Vox and Vaggie to Y/N, the angel gulped, not ready to be scolded, especially by Vox and Vaggie. "What in the seven rings of hell were you thinking?" Vox growled, glaring down at her which made Y/N shrink back even more then she already was, "I- I meant to only have one drink I swear," she mumbled, looking up at him through widened eyes, Vaggie put in a few more words of "you aren't going to leave the hotel without me, Alastor, or Charlie knowing again." she grumbled, leaving Y/N and Vox alone, "Are you mad?" "Mad is an understatement" Y/N looked down, her eyes clouded with guilt, "Im sor-" "don't apologize." Vox cuts her off, pulling her into a surprisingly out of character hug. Y/N went to bed early, but she wished she hadn't as the same dream began to unwind


"Please, stop i won't do it agai-"  a slap cut Y/N off, the angry exterminator angel looking down on her, "you aren't welcome here, devil in disguise, you never will be." she growled, leaving her there in pain, the heavy cell door shut with a loud slamming noise, Y/N let out a pained sob, looking at the now distorted image of her sister, or what she remembered of her, her sister was in hell now, being tortured by more exterminators until she died, luckily for Y/N this was a punishment for asking to see her, she tried to get up, but the chain connecting her to the floor wouldn't let her, she watched as another exterminator came in to tighten the chains, she watched the exterminator put chains on her wings as well so she couldn't attempt to fly out of the windows. A loud scream was heard as Y/N felt them burning her wings, for what she didn't know, she only knew that they would make her grow her wings back to do it again, and then make her grow them out again when she is set free. they threw her to the ground, leaving her there, writhing in pain, she felt her severed wing, sobbing.


Y/N woke up, screaming out, she heard Alastor run in, followed by Charlie and Vaggie, Charlie was worried as was Vaggie, but Alastor looked like he already knew what had happened, imediately trapping her in place and examining her wings, no matter how much she protested the radio demon did not listen, "Alastor what are you doing?" Charlie asked, attempting to soothe Y/N the best she could "these wings have been burned," Alastor muttered, standing up again, Y/N kept her eyes to the ground, as to ignore Charlies mortified expression, "what did they do to you..?" she asked, Y/N sighed, knowing this day would come eventually, "I used to be hated among the angels, the exterminators burnt my wings daily just for asking to see anyone, one day i asked to see my sister, who was down here getting tortured, the angels saw it as me asking to invite danger into their home and sent me away for three weeks, every day i was neglected, tortured, branded, and burned, the day they set me free they made sure to burn the beginning of my wing as a warning sign." Y/N saw the looks on their faces an knew that they would never let her return to heaven, she sighed, accepting her fate. Eventually the three others left, but that was after they made sure Y/N was asleep.

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