A.. regretful? night

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I am so sorry for being so latee, i  kept forgetting to publish this part, plus i had classes 



Y/N sat in silence between the two V's as the limo drove on, the two had gotten into a heated argument and were currently not speaking. Vox's eye twitched, he glared towards Valentino, who was sitting in front of him, Y/N was forced to stay by Vox the entire time, trying her best to stay out of the eyesight of the flirtatious moth demon, the two were glaring bullets into each other while Y/N sat there, typing on the phone Vox had gotten her, she was texting Charlie, who was confused as to why she wasn't in the hotel due to it being so early. 

Y/N; Charlie helpppp

Charlie; what happened?

Y/N; I'm being forced to watch Vox and Valentino fight and i don't know whyy

Charlie; are you on your way home?

Y/N; no

Charlie; give me a sec

Charlie; Vaggies coming to get you

Vox read over her shoulder, his eyes narrowing, "did you have to involve little miss smiles?" he sighed, clearly not amused that she had involved Charlie, "she's my friend" "you don't know that, Angel" Vox blinked once, Y/N huffed, clearly annoyed, "My name is not angel you dumb-" again Vox interrupted her, "Don't talk to me like that, I know your name" he smirked, then went back to glaring at Valentino, who also glared at him, Y/N sighed, looking out the window. By the time they got back to the studio, Vaggie was already there, Y/N happily ran to her, grateful to be out of the way of the two arguing V's, "Next time you take Y/N in the middle of the night I'll scar your other eye" Vaggie growled, gently pulling Y/N to the limo that Charlie had sent. Y/N was happy to be back to the Hazbin hotel, and flopped onto the couch, groaning, "Jeez, toots, you look like you worked twenty hours" Angel Dust said, looking over at her, "shuttup" Y/N said, though it was muffled in the couch cushions, Husk came over, setting a water by her, "I know you don't drink, kid, so here" He grumbled, then went back to the bar, "thanks, Husk" Y/N smiled, "Ya know what, Toots? I think I should take you out to see hell more." Angel smiled, getting up from the bar, Vaggie sighed, "not without Alastor you're not" after she said that, the familiar static noise is heard, and the radio demon appeared by her, "I agree fully, we wouldn't want our little angel friend getting harmed, would we Angel?" he said, the same sinister smile on his face, Angel huffed, but let him follow them anyway, Y/N followed behind Angel, keeping close and away from Alastor, not liking the staticky noise. Angel first took them to a bar, not one like the hotels, where you only ever saw Angel flirting with Husk, no, a bar with many demons alike, hanging out, getting drunk, and fucking, "okay, what the fuck?" Y/N looked at Angel, who shrugged, sitting at the bar, "you should drink, toots, you never know if it will count on your 'perfect' sin rate," Angel said, doing quotation marks to show he didn't believe that someone could be that careful about sinning. One drink turned into ten, and the next thing Y/N knew, she woke up in the seat of Vox's limo, a pissed Alastor and an extremely drunk Angel Dust beside her, Vox was also pissed, "what were you thinking?" he growled, sparks coming out of his neck, "I swear i only wanted to have one" Y/N tried to defend herself, only to be interrupted by Valentino's laughing, "come now, chicita, you think we dont see through you?" he laughed out loud, "no one's that perfect" Vox said, looking down at her, Y/N had to admit, sometimes she wondered how she kept her sins off the list for so long. She went to bed early, her head pained from the horrible hangover she had, falling into deep slumber.

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