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"So, I heard you fucked the angel" Alastor said as soon as they went downstairs (i cant say came noramally anymore ;-;) Vox about spat his coffee out and Y/N hid in Vox's shoulder, "I mean good for you," Angel snickered, helping Alastor to embarrass them, "I don't wanna hear it, Angie, you literally got railed by husk last night" Y/N huffed, causing Husk to spit his whiskey out, Angel snickered again.

Y/N lounged around the hotel for a while, sort of bored without Pentious there to bully, but then she got an idea and texted Velvette. "Angel get your shit!" she called, "Al, imma go shopping with Angel and Velvette" she called, "alright, call Charlie when you're going to be coming back" the radio demon responded, not looking up from his chess game with his shadow figures. Velvette, Angel, and Y/N gossiped in the limo as they got a ride to the mall area, then got out and browsed around the mall, they did get some stuff, until they stopped at a store that said 'Lingerie' and Y/N dragged them the fuck to the limo.

As they drove they discussed different things, mostly about Velvettes shows or Angels porn films, and then Velvette asked a question directly to Y/N, "I heard you and Vox had an eventful night, how was it?" she snickered along with Angel, Y/N shot them both a sharp look, "well it was very good, did you know that he was so-" "DON'T WANNA KNOW" Angel quickly cut her off, his eyes looking traumatized, "i may be a pornstar but I really don't wanna know how big my best friends boyfriends dick is" he shuddered, then they went back to normal conversation.

She texted Charlie that they were almost to the hotel, looking out the window at the silhouette of the lust ring, she blinked, and then turned back to their conversation, "Have either of you been to the lust ring?" she asked, tilting her head, "no, we can't leave the pride ring, but you could go.. I don't think it would be a good idea though, saying the fact that theres a lot of people that could have a price on your head" Velvette explained, smiling softly, Y/N nodded to show that she understood. 

As they walked through the doors and into the hotel, she waved goodbye to Velvette, and flopped onto one of the couches, she felt kiki curl up on her stomach and pet the cat-key, soothed by its purring, she also felt Vox lift her and lay down under her. She fell asleep again, curled up safely with her friends surrounding her, so far life after the exterminators left was peaceful... At least she hoped.




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