Valentino and Velvette

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I am so so so sorry I haven't been posting, I have been really busy and I also have another book I'm working on, so I almost completely forgot about this book. But I'll try to stay on top of it from now on. Enjoy this next Chapter!



"Y/N! Wake up!" Vox whisper yelled, Y/N groaned, "what time is it?" she grumbles, sitting up, "that doesn't matter, come with me." Vox said quickly, pulling her out of bed, "can I at least get changed first?" she sighs, "fine, but be quick about it." Vox grumbles, as if he was the one that had been woken up. She now sat in the same limo that Vox had taken her to the hotel in, "where are we going?" she asked, looking out the window, "My workplace, I need to pick some stuff up" he sighs, looking at her, she nods quietly, continuing to stare at the buildings surrounding them. A Pornstudio, Vox worked at a Pornstudio. He led her through the large glass doors, and up to the second floor, where they ran into a girl, she was short, her hair was a mix of black and purple, and she seemed pissed. "Where have you been?" the girl asked, a British accent evident, Vox sighed, "Hello, Velvette, and i've been with Y/N here" Vox says, pulling Y/N out from behind him, she gives a sheepish wave, "she's adorable, although I would keep her away from Val." Velvette says, she walks past them and into the elevator, Vox leads her through the studio, avoiding Val, or as she learned from Angel Dust, Valentino. He fails miserably, Val finds them in two seconds, "Vox!" a deep, but annoying voice yells, Vox lets out an annoyed sigh, "yes, Val?" he turns, facing 'Val' "where were you?! I've had to deal with YOUR fans!" Val yells, pointing an accusing finger at Vox. now they all sat in Vox's office, Val with a black eye, and Y/N holding back laughter while Vox gets whatever he needed, Val gives her a look that says 'don't you dare say anything' which makes it harder for Y/N to control her laughter.

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