Chaggie 🐑💧

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-Post-battle with the angels
-Vaggie angst


Vaggie looked out over everyone else, attempting to hide her injured hand.

As Husker treated Angel Dust's wounds and Alastor cared for Nifty, she paid particular attention to the color of their blood.


Why did hers have to be golden? A constant reminder of the fact that she was stripped of her angelic privilege for sparing a small demon child.

She unblocked her injured hand, staring at the blood dripping from it.

I don't belong here..

She hadn't even been able to tell Charlie about the fact that she was an angel in the first place.

What the fuck is wrong with me? How could I lie to my own girlfriend about something like that..

She huffed and walked away from everyone, returning to her own hotel room.

She sat on the bed, sloppily wrapping an ace bandage around her wound. She didn't even bother cleaning it first.

She huffed and just dropped down to her side on the bed, closing her eyes.

She opened them again when she heard a knock at the door.

She groaned, thinking it was Angel Dust just coming to annoy her about shit again.

She reluctantly got up, walking over and opening the door. Her mood got happier when she saw Charlie.

"Hey Vaggie!" The princess hugged her tightly, a wide smile on her face. "What are you doing up here by yourself? Come on, we're celebra-"

She cut herself off and blinked, her eyes growing wide with concern.

Vaggie followed her gaze, realizing that she was staring at her sloppily dressed hand.

The fallen angel quickly shoved it behind her back, looking down as she couldn't meet Charlie's eyes.

"Vaggie, you're hurt! You should've let me or dad take care of it for you-!" She reached out and gently took Vaggie's hand in hers.

"I'm fine, hon. It's just a little stab wound.." she tried to pull her hand away but Charlie held on tighter, careful not to hurt her further.

"I'm treating you, and you can't stop me."


Vaggie rubbed her newly washed and bandaged hand, frowning a little. She hid her face in her hands as she felt tears pricking at her eyes.

Charlie immediately engulfed her in a hug when she heard her sniffling, rubbing her back.


"I'm so sorry, Charlie."

Charlie's eyes widened. "For what?"

"For lying to you.." Vaggie lifted her head up, cheeks now stained with tears. "I've been such a horrible girlfriend, I should've just told you that I was an exorcist, but I just didn't want to break your heart, but then I ended up hurting you anyway-"

"Vags, it's not your fault!" Charlie cupped the fallen angel's face in her hands, giving her a soft smile.

"I can understand why you lied to me. Sure it hurt, but I can still understand. You had your reasons, and I was the one in the wrong for being such a bitch to you about it."

She put their foreheads together, closing her eyes.

Vaggie gave a small smile back, laughing a bit.

"You're such an idiot."

"I love you too!"


Hope you enjoyed, sorry it was quite short-


New chapter out soon! ♤♡◇♧

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New chapter out soon! ♤♡◇♧

Word Count: 540

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