RadioDust 🍋🐑

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-Not very detailed smut
-Minor fluff


It was a warm summer night in the bustling city of Hell, and the neon lights of the clubs and bars glowed brightly against the dark sky. Alastor, the infamous Radio Demon, found himself wandering the streets, his usual stoic expression betraying a hint of boredom. As he strolled past the clubs, he couldn't help but notice the familiar figure of Angel Dust, the flamboyant and seductive porn star, leaning against a lamppost and smoking a cigarette.

Angel Dust caught sight of Alastor and flashed him a mischievous grin, beckoning him over with a wink. Alastor raised an eyebrow in amusement and sauntered over to the spider demon, his sharp red eyes flickering with interest.

"Hello, my dear Angel. What mischief are you up to tonight?" Alastor purred, his voice smooth as velvet.

Angel Dust chuckled and took a drag of his cigarette, blowing the smoke out with a sly grin. "Oh, just looking for a little fun, darling. And I think I've found just the right demon to share it with."

Alastor's lips curved into a predatory smile as he leaned in closer to Angel Dust, their faces mere inches apart. The tension between them crackled with electricity, an intoxicating mix of desire and danger.

Without a word, Angel Dust grabbed Alastor by the lapels of his suit and pulled him into a searing kiss. Their lips met in a fiery clash, tongues dueling and breath mingling in a heady mix of passion. Alastor's hands roamed over Angel Dust's body, tracing the curves of his slender frame and eliciting a soft moan from the spider demon.

The two demons broke apart, gasping for air as they stared into each other's eyes with heated intensity. Without a word, Alastor took Angel Dust's hand and led him down a dark alley, the sounds of the city fading into a distant hum as they disappeared into the shadows.

In the dim light, the alley was filled with the sound of whispered promises and soft laughter as Alastor and Angel Dust shed their clothes, their bodies revealed in all their sinful glory. Alastor's form was tall and lean, his sharp features illuminated by the glow of his eyes, while Angel Dust's figure was lithe and graceful, his skin covered in an intricate web of tattoos.

As they came together in a tangle of limbs and lust, the air crackled with raw desire. Alastor's touch was like fire against Angel Dust's skin, igniting a fierce need that consumed them both. Their kisses were fierce and hungry, each one a battle for dominance that ended in a tie as they both surrendered to the pleasure of their union.

Alastor's hands trailed down Angel Dust's body, his touch feather-light yet possessive as he explored every inch of the spider demon's form. Angel Dust arched into his touch, his breath hitching with each caress, his eyes dark with desire.

When Alastor finally entered Angel Dust, the spider demon cried out in ecstasy, his body tightening around the Radio Demon in a grip of sheer pleasure. The sensation of Alastor moving inside him was like nothing he had ever experienced before, a whirlwind of sensation that threatened to consume him in its intensity.

Their lovemaking was a dance of passion and power, each movement a symphony of desire that crescendoed in a chorus of moans and whispers. They moved together in a rhythm as old as time, their bodies merging and separating in a primal dance of lust and longing.

As they reached the peak of their pleasure, Alastor and Angel Dust clung to each other with a desperation born of pure desire. Their cries echoed off the walls of the alley, a symphony of ecstasy that reverberated through the night.


Sorry it's not very detailed with the smut, I'm tired-

Sorry I haven't been updating lately, but RadioGuitarApple smut should be next!

Hope you enjoyed! ♤♡◇♧

Word Count: 659

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