RadioApple 🍋

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-Top Alastor because Lucifer is a bottom
-Non-asexual Alastor
-Hate sex
-RIP Husk


Lucifer was walking down the corridor of the Hazbin Hotel, which he newly abode in.

He swore he closed his eyes for a split second and immediately ran into something.

He blinked, looking up to see none other than the radio demon standing above him.



Both were wearing their usual smile, whilst their eyes glared at each other in spite.

Eventually Alastor just huffed and leaned against the wall, eyes still annoyed as he held out his microphone cane.

Lucifer eyed it. "You gonna stab me with that, weirdo voice?"

Alastor grabbed him suddenly, shoving him against the wall.

"I just might, bitch."

Lucifer's face turned red as his eyes darted around, observing their current position.

Alastor noticed this and smirked, his eyes going down to the king's neck. He went down and bit into it, hard.

Lucifer gasped out and he gritted his teeth, golden blood flowing from him.

Alastor unhooked his teeth from his neck, coming back up and smirking as he licked the blood from his lips.

Lucifer was breathing heavily as he looked up at the radio demon, face cherry red and sweating. He wasn't used to being harmed.

Alastor went to his ear and whispered. "How hot would it be if I fucked you right here, in this hallway..?"

Lucifer gulped before regaining his posture, inhaling deeply before smirking at him.

"Do your worst."


"Hah.. I f-fucking... hate you..-!"

"Shut it, you insufferable whore..-"

Alastor grunted, ears flat against his head as he thrusted relentlessly.

Lucifer's ass was bound to be bruised from how much the radio demon had slapped it as he held him up, squeezing him.

Alastor hit his prostate and Lucifer became an absolute mess, scratching at the back of Alastor's coat.

"H-hit harder next time, y-you.. FUCK-ing.. ngh.." The fallen angel moaned out, eyes rolling back.

Alastor thrusted harder and smacked Lucifer's ass, earning him a squeal. "You don't get to tell me what to do, loathsome weasel."

"F-fuck you!"

"I believe I'm the one doing the fucking, actually."

"Shut up you bitch!"

Alastor inhaled sharply as he snapped his hips into the fallen angel, reaching his climax and releasing into him.

Lucifer let out a wheezy laugh through heavy breaths. "You really finished that earLY-"

He yelled out as Alastor suddenly started slamming into him again and he came, throwing his head back.

Alastor stopped his hips from moving, chuckling lowly.

"What were you saying, hm~?"

"God I hate you-"

Lucifer cut himself off as he wrapped his arms around the radio demon's neck, pulling him into a deep kiss.

Their tongues intertwined and both let out quiet moans, grasping each other desperately.

They eventually pulled away, both huffing.

"..I loathe you."

"Go fuck yourself."

"I'd fuck you again."

"This is why I love you."


Angel Dust and Husker were sitting in the strippers room. Angel Dust had his ears eagerly pressed against the wall, intently listening to the king and the radio demon fuck.

Husker was pinching the bridge of his nose, grumbling.

"We have fuckin' rooms.. why did they have to fuck in the hallway.."

"Maybe they were tryna inspire us, baby~" Angel Dust smirked as he turned, sitting back down next to the cat and cupping his face.

"Maybe we're next..~"

"..definitely not."

Husker shoved his hand in the spider's face and pushed him away, getting up. He stretched out his wings and left, ignoring Alastot and Lucifer as he walked down the stairs.

"I hate my life."


It's just the daddy beef between these two that makes me want to see them together so badly- AAAAAAA-

Anyways, hope ya'll enjoyed, Huskerdust is next and then probably Lucifer and Adam.

Thanks for reading! ♤♡◇♧

Word Count: 666

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