Chaggie 🍋

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Before we start, you've all asked how I broke my wrist.


I was rollerskating, fell on my wrist and broke AND dislocated it.

I had to get my wrist cut open and screws put in my bones to hold them in place, sooo yea-

Now on with the fic!


-Top Vaggie
-I guess they're switches tho
-Gentle sex


Vaggie and Charlie spun into their room, holding each other close. Without letting go of her girlfriend, Vaggie maneuvered to close and lock the door behind them before they kicked off their shoes and fell onto their bed, smiling at each other. Perfectly in sync, they adjusted their positions so Vaggie was laying on top of Charlie.

"So," Vaggie began, cupping her girlfriend's face. "You're sure about...having sex tonight?" she asked, 'smooth' as ever. But, it was the first time they'd considered sex since the whole Fallen Angel reveal, and the whole 'fighting for our lives in a war' thing. Charlie reached up, combing a hand through Vaggie's hair.

"Yes!" Charlie replied eagerly. "Um, if you are, that is!" she backtracked, her voice squeaking. Vaggie chuckled affectionately.

"I'd love to, honey," she said with a bright smile. Her hands trailed down to Charlie's jacket and she tugged at it gently, looking at her for permission. When she nodded, Vaggie unbuttoned the jacket with deft fingers, eager but not rushed. She pulled the garment off of her girlfriend and a slight thrill traveled through her. Charlie wasn't any less dressed, really, her undershirt covered just as much as her jacket. But, it still spoke volumes that Charlie trusted her to undress her. "I love you," she said, her voice bordering on reverence.

"I love you too," Charlie replied easily, leaning forward. Vaggie met her in the middle, and their lips connected in a chaste, loving kiss. When they pulled away for air, they were smiling at each other, both looking love-drunk. When Charlie reached to peel off her girlfriend's gloves, she was giggling, and Vaggie felt her heart warming at the sound. Her hands found the waistband of Charlie's pants and she paused just long enough to get a nod of consent before pulling them off more than a little eagerly. They undressed each other with clear anticipation, pausing once they were both in just their underwear.

"You're so beautiful, sweetheart," Charlie said, cupping her girlfriend's face gently. The angel blushed in response, as she always did when Charlie complimented her. She resisted the urge to deny the words, to say she wasn't that pretty.

"So are you," she said instead. It was an easy deflect because it was true: Charlie was the most gorgeous person she'd ever seen. Charlie blushed as well, nuzzling her face into Vaggie's chest. "So", she continued with a teasing smile, looking at Vaggie without pulling away from her chest. "What do you wanna do?"

Vaggie giggled, pulling Charlie away so she could look her in the eyes.

"What do you wanna do, babe?" she returned, smiling. Charlie put a finger to her chin, a determined expression on her face even as a blush covered her cheeks.

"Hmm," she hummed indecisively.

"How about I eat you out, honey?" Vaggie suggested, running a hand through her girlfriend's hair. Charlie's face turned so red and her expression so eager and affectionate there might as well have been cartoon hearts appearing from her head.

"I-I'd like that!" she replied eagerly. Vaggie chuckled affectionately again as she pulled at the demon's bra strap. Charlie gave a nod of consent and Vaggie unhooked the garment and pulled it off, blushing at the sight of her girlfriend's breasts. It wasn't like she hadn't seen them before, but Charlie's body would always be beautiful. Charlie found her way to Vaggie's bra too, also waiting for permission before slipping it off. "Can I?" she asked, hooking a finger in the waistband of Vaggie's panties.

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